The Beginning There comes a time when your mind becomes so loaded with experiences that you must tell someone about them to allow new ones to take their places. They become a part of your everyday life. They affect you in the form of daydreams, not allowing a moment to concentrate on the job at hand. At first they are no more than just a fast glimpse of a girl in your past. Quickly she passes, but give her a few moments, she'll be back. When she comes back however watch out! She is going to be more than you can handle. She will come to you in a form more beautiful than she ever really was. She becomes exactly what you want. Exactly what you wished her to be, whether it be an actual past experience or and experience you wished to have happen that for some unknown reason never did. But you know why they didn't happen don't you? You were too nervous to make them happen. To ask her to do something special to turn you on even more or to spend more time to turn her on even more. In your dreams everything seems to work out right doesn't it? She is putty in your hands. Doing everything your little heart desires. If your heart wishes to please her more than anyone else she will moan and groan and thrash and throw just the way you like. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all your daydreams were true? If you spend enough time daydreaming about the way you wish your past had been or the way you hope your future will be, you will find yourself in a situation where nothing seems to go right. You keep wishing for things to happen but they never do because you won't work hard enough to make them happen. You think because they work so easily in your dreams that it shouldn't be too much harder in real life. But it is. Let me tell you about some of my experiences and you decide for yourself if they are true or not. Some will be real experiences and some will be the things that I wished had happened. Most of it will be real but does it really matter? As a person is growing up they have, as all people do, their first sexual experience. I am referring to the first time that you come in contact with a girl. Most guys first encounter is usually a girl with whom you are actually experimenting. You may not think you are experimenting at the time but if you look back at it you feel very inadequate and tell yourself how dumb you were not to know what you were doing. That is how I look back at my first encounter. I was young and stupid but boy was it was fun while it was happening. My girlfriend's name was Linda. It's really hard to call her a girlfriend because it was really just a puppy love. It was in junior high school when I knew her. She was very tall with long beautiful black hair. I say she was tall only because I was the shortest guy in the school. I guess it is all relative but she really did look cute anyway. She was by no means the most beautiful girl in the school but there sure as hell were a lot worse. It was toward the end of the school year when I first met her. My teacher had asked me to clean out a book room and sort the books by title and place them neatly on their proper shelves. Of course I was the kind of person that would do anything to get out of class so I spent all day sorting these books. After a while it got pretty boring so I asked my teacher if one of my friends could help me. It was not that I couldn't do it myself, I just wanted someone to shoot the shit with. My teacher, because that there was only a few days of school left, didn't care and said sure. In addition to getting my friend, he also brought along Linda whom he introduced as a friend of his. I didn't mind having an extra person to talk to so I didn't put up any arguments. We were busy sorting books and talking and the day went by real fast. By the end of the day, we had all the books sorted and in their place. I natural didn't tell my teacher because I wanted to milk this job for all it was worth. I told her we had more work to do and we should be able to be done in a day or two. We always left some books in a messy pile so that we could show her we were not yet done. The next day we started early in the morning doing absolutely nothing. We just sat on our asses talking. My friend, David, lit up a cigarette which at that age was a mortal sin to be caught doing, especially in school but closed in the book room we really didn't care. He puffed on the cigarette and the room became filled with smoke. Cigarette smoke always seemed to give me headaches so I laid down on the floor to relax. Linda said that she was tired (or so she said) and also laid down on the floor but unfortunately not near me. David said,"why not join the crowd," so he got up and turned off the light and then he also laid down on the floor. It was kind of hard to fall asleep on a hard floor so I just kind of laid there. As my eyes began to adjust to what little light was coming under the door, I noticed that David had laid down next to Linda and they had their arms around each other and were busy kissing away. This was something I had never done with anyone before so I got an instant hard-on watching them. After a few minutes, I saw David's hand slip down inside Linda's shirt. This was too much. I was really testing the stitching on my pants zipper. I really couldn't believe they were actually doing this. I really wanted to run over there and stick my hand down her shirt too. But of course, I couldn't do that it wouldn't be right to bother them so I just lay there until they were done. They never went any farther than that but boy what a show that was. They finally got up and turned on the lights and Linda recomposed herself and we talked for a while, sorted the rest of the books and then left the book room for our respective classrooms. The next day was the last day of school and we were too busy to work in the book room. At that point we really didn't want too. The job had served its purpose well. David and Linda were going out for pizza after school and asked me to come along. I said sure. I met David and Linda outside the school and we started walking to a pizza parlor not too far away. As we were walking down the street, David's mother drove by and stopped when she saw him. She called him over and asked to see his report card. It was nowhere near good and she started screaming and threw him into the car and drove away. There wasn't too much we could do about what happened and we decided that just the two of us would go for pizza. We sat and ate our pizza and talked about anything that came to our minds and over the course of the next hour and a half we became very friendly. As a gesture of friendship, and that's all it was at the time, I invited Linda to my house to go swimming. I didn't expect it but she accepted my invitation right away without any apprehension. From that point on, while walking to her house to get her bathing suit and then to my house, I was on cloud nine. A girl actually accepted an invitation from ME. The walk to my house took forever. I couldn't wait to see her in her bathing suit. We talked along the way, and I started to really like her. She was very nice to me like no other girl had been before. I actually got up the nerve to hold her hand. Boy was that a great accomplishment for me. I was so proud of myself. She let me hold her hand without giving any sign of discontent. We arrived at my house and we went inside so I could show her around. We found my mother working in the kitchen and I introduced Linda to her. I wasn't too sure what my mother would say about me bringing a girl home but my mother was very pleasant about it so I wasn't quite as nervous. I finished showing Linda around the house and then I took her downstairs to the pool. She couldn't wait to go swimming so I showed her the bathroom where she could get changed and I went off into another room to change into my bathing suit. After a few minutes Linda emerged from the bathroom wearing a super bright almost hot pink one piece bathing suit. It really made her look beautiful. It accented her long black hair. For the first time I noticed that she actually had a set of tits on her that very few girls in the school had. They were quite large by junior high school standards. In actuality, they weren't that big but they sure looked nice. I think that she noticed that I was staring at her chest by the big smile on her face. Before I could say anything, not that I could, she ran outside and jumped into the pool. I put my eyes back in my head and jumped in the pool after her. We swam and splashed around for about an hour. My pool has a slide and we had lots of fun going down the slide together with Linda sitting between my legs. I know she had to be feeling my hard-on because it was sticking her right in the back but she gave no indication. We played around in the pool until we were water-logged. Linda said she was getting out so she could dry off. Of course I followed her. We wiped ourselves off and then went back into the house to change. As we stepped through the door into the house, Linda stopped. I had no idea what she was doing but it didn't take me long to find out. She held my hand and gave me a big kiss right on the lips. WOW! I couldn't believe she did that. She just smiled at me and I noticed her looking down at my bathing suit and seeing a real big lump. I had the hard-on of a lifetime. She let out a little giggle and said, "would you like to see something real interesting?" Before I could clear my throat to say anything, she slowly began pulling her shoulder strap down her arm and then pulling her arm through it. Then she reached for her other strap and pulled her arm through it too. She was just standing there showing me lots of cleavage. I think I was drooling on my chest but I didn't notice. My eyes were glued to her chest. She slowly and teasingly began pulling down her bathing suit showing more and more of her tits as she went. She was going so slow that it seemed forever for one of her nipples to pop out from underneath her suit. I thought I was going to cream in my pants right there. Then her other nipple popped out. They were small and pointy. As the bathing suit came down a little farther, I could see the whole form of her tits. I was having trouble breathing. I couldn't believe all this was happening. She just stood there with an ear to ear smile, blinding me with her pearly white teeth. "Don't you have anything to say?" she said. "You leave me speechless, what would you like me to say?" "How about asking to touch them." "Can I?" "Go for it." I tried to raise my hands but I was still so stunned that they wouldn't budge. They felt so numb. Linda, then realizing my problem, took my hand up to her mouth and kissed it and then placed it right on her chest. For the first time in my life, I knew what it was to feel a girl's softer spot. It was an outstanding feeling. I felt her nipple sticking into the palm of my hand and it seemed to get larger. I was still a little spastic with my actions. I wasn't doing anything with my hand but letting it sit there. She said, "here, let me show you what to do." She pushed my hand away and grabbed her tits with her own hands and started squeezing and massaging them. She looked like she was really enjoying it. Then she started playing with her nipples, rolling them between her thumb and index finger. They just seemed to get even bigger. Then she said, "now why don't you try." I placed both my hands on her chest and started squeezing her tits. It was fabulous. They were so firm. I couldn't believe it. I stood there playing with her tits, doing what she did, rolling her nipples between my fingers. She loved it. She actually let out what sounded like a little moan. I was in heaven. After a few minutes of playing with her tits, she appeared to be really getting turned on. But then what do I know at that age. She said, "let's try something different." She put her hand behind my neck and pulled my head right down into her chest putting one of her nipples right into my mouth. "Suck on them" she said, "suck on them like you would want me to suck on your cock." I sure as hell didn't give her any argument. I started sucking on her tits as if my life depended on it. I went from one to the other. Back and forth. I even got real daring and started squeezing her tits while I sucked on them. I kept concentrating real hard on what I was doing so I wouldn't appear like I didn't know anything. I kind of figured she knew that anyway. I kept sucking and squeezing. I couldn't get enough. They tasted so good. She shocked me when she lifted my head up. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I asked her if I could help her get changed. I meant it to be sarcastic. I didn't expect anything to come of it. "No thank you, I think I can do that by myself. But there is one thing you can do for me. Here, hold this." Like a flash she dropped her bathing suit to her ankles and stepped out of it. There was this beautiful bush staring me in the face. She picked up the bathing suit and handed it to me and said, "how do you like it?" "The bathing suit?" "No silly, that's not what I'm talking about." "It's real nice." "Would you like to see it a little bit better?" "Sure." She took me by the hand and led me over to a chair. "Promise me you will stand right here until I say you can move." "Sure, anything you say." She sat down on the chair and gave me a real big smile. "Promise me you won't tell anyone I did this." "Of course not" I replied. She leaned back and spread her legs putting them over the armrests. What a pussy! It was pink and real wet. Just like the ones in those magazines my father has. I was just standing there in complete shock. She put her hands between her legs and started rubbing. She said, "have you ever seen a girl's pussy before? Do you like it?" "No, yes" "Make up your mind." "It looks wonderful." I just stood there staring between her legs. Her breathing began to get heavy. I began rubbing my dick through my pants. Linda noticed and said, "why don't you pull it out where I can see it." I pulled my hard-on out without any hesitation. She continued rubbing her pussy without missing a stroke. She said, "step a little closer so I can get a better look. I did as she asked. To my surprise, she grabbed on to my cock with her right hand keeping her left at a steady pace. She started stroking me. What a feeling. I could feel myself coming. I knew it wouldn't take long because she had me so worked up. "I want you to come on my chest." "No problem, here it comes." I shot my load all over her chest. I felt my knees begin to give way. I could barely hold myself up. She began rubbing it into her chest but never stopped massaging her pussy. By this time. her pussy was soaked. She put both hands back to work and said that now it was her turn and she wanted me to just sit back and watch. I sat down on the floor right in front of her just watching her go at it. She began huffing and puffing all over again. She started rubbing faster and faster. After only a minute or two she let out a moan or a groan or what ever the hell it was and she started to jerk and shake wildly. Her legs went up into the air. After a few seconds she finally calmed down and put her legs back together and her feet on the floor. She threw her head back and just seemed to want to relax. "Boy did that feel good. It has been a long time since I came like that. I love playing with myself in front of guys. It really turns me on." "You can do it in front of me anytime." "I think it is time to get changed now." I was disappointed because I was almost hard again but I knew she was right; it was getting late. "I am going to get changed. I'll be right back." With that she turned and stepped into the bathroom. What an ass she had too. A minute or two later she came out of the bathroom all dressed. I was kind of disappointed but I didn't really know what to expect. Linda said that she had to go home for dinner, so I, being the gentleman that I was, walked her home. I was in a daze the whole time we were walking. I was holding her hand and thinking about all the things that had happened. We arrived at the front of her house and stopped at the door. She said she had a wonderful time and hoped that we could do it again in the near future. I again became speechless. She gave me a really big kiss, said good-bye and stepped into her house. I ran home as fast as I could just thinking about what she had said. I ran into my house and headed straight for the bathroom to jerk off. What a day it had been. To this day that event has haunted me. Every time I am sitting in class, Linda pops into my mind and I go through that afternoon over and over again. Each time is almost as good as the first. I didn't see Linda for several years. Her father was in the Army and was transferred a short time later. That sounds like bullshit but that's what really happened. My first experience came to an end rather abruptly. Time went on. My confidence being greatly boosted thanks to Linda. Now I was able to say that my sexual education had started. Unfortunately, I did not get to put it into use or expand on it for several years. All through high school I never had what you would call a girlfriend. I belonged to a few clubs but none of them had any girls. There were some real nice ones in some of my classes but we had just become friends. I never had the nerve to ask any of them out. I dreamed of the things that could have happened if I just had enough nerve to ask them out. I was not very good at handling rejection. I think that was my biggest problem. I was afraid of being rejected. If I had been less afraid, my love life might have been an awful lot better than it was. After several years without a girlfriend, I found myself not really caring whether I had a girlfriend or not. I kept myself busy with school activities and I would jerk off every night to relieve my sexual frustration. This was never too big a problem until my senior prom drew near. I had always wanted to take a really nice looking girl. I was not too thrilled with the idea of a prom, basically because I don't like to dance. But it was my senior prom and I would never forgive myself if I didn't go. So now the problem was to find someone to ask and then get up enough nerve to ask her. Well finding the girl wasn't too hard. There were plenty of girls I would like to ask. The big question was to get up the nerve to ask one of them to go with me. Then if I asked, what would she say? I was running out of time very quickly. I finally got up the nerve to ask a girl that was in my English class. She sat next to me and her name was Beth. She was a cute blond with loads of curly hair. One of the really nice things about her was that she was the same height as I was. That was very important to me. I was in pain. I started a conversation with her one day just before the end of class. I let the conversation stray to the prom which was only two weeks away. I asked her if she was going to the prom with anyone in particular and she said no. That was what I was hoping she would say. I had my textbook line ready. "Would you like to go with me?" At the moment I finished saying that, I tensed up and prayed she wouldn't reject me even though I had already assumed she would. She gave me a great big smile and a bright red blush and said, "sure". My heart fell to my feet. It was the most sensational feeling I had felt in a long time. But I couldn't stop there. I had something else planned. I asked for her phone number so I could call her that night and talk about our evening at the prom. She wrote it out on a little piece of notebook paper and handed it to me. At that moment the bell rang and we were off to next class. For the remainder of the day I was very nervous wondering if I had done the right thing. I realized it was too late to back out so I decided to finish what I had started. No matter what the results. As it turned out, that was one of the best decisions I had ever made. I home after school still not sure of myself. What if she was just fooling around. Maybe she was just playing a joke on me. I really wanted to take her to the prom. At that point I convinced myself that she meant what she said and I was going to call her later that evening. Once I convinced myself that everything would be all right, I felt much more relaxed. I started fantasizing what it would be like to see Beth with her clothes off. She was always a conservative dresser in school so I wasn't really too sure what her body was shaped like. She always dressed in very nice clothing but never anything tight. I knew her tits weren't enormous because that is a little hard to conceal. But I knew she wasn't flat chested either. I dreamed about seeing her blonde bush, hoping it was just as blonde as the hair on her head. Maybe I could get her to give me my first blowjob or with a little luck we could go all the way. After a few minutes of thoughts like that, I woke up and decided that a good place to start would be to just get her to the prom and worry about how far I was going to get later. Dinner time rolled around and I ate quickly. I wanted to call Beth right after dinner. But would that be too early? Would I bother her during dinner? I started worrying about everything all over again. I was a hopeless case. I finally decided to call her not really caring what time it was. I just wanted to talk to her. I got my fingers to dial the number and I stopped breathing while the phone was ringing. My heart stopped when someone picked up the phone. A soft sweet voice was at the other end. I wasn't sure if it was her so I asked if Beth was home. She said, "Hi, it's me". Oh, Hi. I hope I'm not interrupting your dinner." "No. I had an early dinner and I am sitting in the bathtub right now, just relaxing. I felt a lump inside my throat when she said that. I started imagining her lying in the bathtub. What a body. "I am glad you accepted my invitation to the prom." "I'd love to go with you. Thank you for asking." She sounded so sincere that I couldn't believe that she would be pulling my leg so I put that completely out of my mind. "Well, in addition to going to the prom, I was also wondering if you would like to come over to my house to go swimming sometime this weekend." I figured my luck was running so good that why not get a little greedy and see just how far she will go. "I am going to be busy this Saturday with me parents but Sunday would be great." I asked if she would be able to get over to my house or would she like my to pick her up. "Pick me up about noon." She gave her address and we said our good-byes. I didn't really want to end the conversation but she said she had to get out of the tub. I hung up the phone thinking this was going to be a great weekend, if I had enough nerve to make it one. I had called Beth on a Thursday so we had one more day of school to see each other before the weekend. I got to class before she did and just sat waiting for her to get there. I was really nervous to face her after our conversation the night before. I knew I would calm down once we started talking. Beth got to class just before the teacher started teaching. We said hello to each other but had no time to talk. The class lasted right up to the bell so again we didn't get any time to talk. She just said on her way out, "see you Sunday". All night Friday and all day Saturday were spent fantasizing about all the possible events of Sunday. I jerked off every chance I got just thinking about how it would be with Beth. Linda was a real exhibitionist and I kind of liked that. I hoped Beth would be the same way with one little addition. I wanted to go all the way. A guy just isn't as sensitive to his first as a girl is. I would have done it with Linda or any one of a dozen other girls I knew. Who it was wasn't that important. I just had to do it. Sunday morning rolled around and I got up real early just thinking about the day ahead of me. I couldn't wait. The morning seemed to drag. I had never felt this much anticipation before. It was a very strange feeling. I wanted to go as far as I could with Beth but I didn't want to push too hard. I didn't want her getting mad at me, especially just before the prom. I don't think I could have found anybody else on such short notice. But I wanted to get her clothes off so bad, another fine mess I got myself into. From eleven o'clock to eleven-thirty I sat watching the clock. I finally decided it was time to leave. I knew I could get to her house in about fifteen minutes but I had to get out of my house before I went crazy. I got in the car and started driving and of course I got there in fifteen minutes so I had to kill fifteen more minutes before I went to get her. I couldn't show up early so I parked my car on a near by secluded street and got myself off one last time before I actually saw Beth. The time had come. I pulled up and parked in front of her house, got out of the car and went up to the front door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The same as in the past, it felt like my heart stopped. I waited like what seemed like forever. I heard someone coming to the door. It opened and there stood Beth. The same cute blonde as in school. She looked a little different this time. She was wearing a short silky bright green robe, hip level, and a pair of flip-flops. "I'm already to go. I have my bathing suit on underneath and clothes to change into in the bag." "Lets go then", I replied. We made lots of small talk in the car on the way to my house, mostly about school. I watched her legs as I was driving. Her robe rode up her legs as time past. She had a nice set of legs. I wanted to get between them so bad. The ride back to the house wasn't as bad as it was going to Beth's because we were busy talking and time passed quickly. We arrived at my house and as if luck was on my side today, my parents were out and took my brother with them. We were actually alone at my house. I showed Beth around to the back of the house. She commented on how nice the pool was and that she couldn't wait to jump in. I asked her if she wanted anything to drink and she said no thanks. I told her I was going inside to get changed and I would be out in a minute so she should go ahead into the pool without me. As I closed the bathroom door I could hear Beth splashing in the pool. In a little while I came out to find Beth splashing around and playing with one of the floating toys. I immediately tossed myself in and swam a couple of laps to get warmed up. I stuck my head out of the water just in time to see Beth coming down the slide. She was wearing a bright yellow bikini. Not the skimpiest but it was nice and she looked nice in it. I didn't get a good look but I'm sure I would. Beth was swimming around and laughing and having a grand old time. She swam over by me and thanked me for inviting her over to swim. I told her she was very welcome and she could come over anytime. We swam around very innocently for the remainder of the afternoon. We splashed each other and played with the floats and other toys we had in the pool. I felt like I was a little kid again. We were really having a lot of fun. I was glad we were getting along so well. However all good things must come to an end, or do they? Beth started complaining that she was getting cold. That is the first sign that it is time to get out. I got out and told her that I would be right back with some towels. I ran into the house, grabbed some towels and ran back out again. Beth was just starting to climb up the ladder. What a body she had. It was perfect for the bikini. I held out the towel and wrapped it around her nice and tight. I was about to let go when she just leaned right up against me with my arms still around her. "That's better. I know I won't be cold now." I stood there holding her in my arms not knowing what to do. I said, "why don't you go inside and change into something dry. You'll feel a lot warmer." "No, that's okay. I think I'll stay right where I am. I like it here." We stood facing each other for a few minutes. We were looking into each others eyes, not really knowing what to say or what to do. I really don't remember what I was even thinking. Spontaneously, I leaned my head forward and gave her a peck on the beak. She immediately smiled. That made me feel a lot more comfortable. Beth dropped her towel and put her arms around me and gave me a kiss that will take a long time to forget. Our lips were together for quite a long time. We were both enjoying every moment of it. We finally broke ourselves apart and looked at each other very contently. Her very calming personality made me loosen up beyond my expectations. I felt very comfortable with Beth, and especially in her arms. She was starting to shiver so I recommended that we get changed. Beth went into the bathroom and emerged soon after wearing a tight pair of jeans and a halter top that you could see her nipples pointing through. "Your turn", she said. So into the bathroom I went. I got changed into the same clothes I had on when I picked her up . They were handy. I came out of the bathroom and found Beth sitting on a pool chair outside. "Are you ready to go?" I really don't know why I asked. I really didn't want to take her home, but it sounded appropriate. It was getting later in the day and I'm sure she wanted to eat dinner. "I guess so", she said. It didn't occur to me for a couple of hours that I don't think she wanted to go home either. I drove Beth home holding her hand as I drove and talking about our afternoon together. The prom was now only one week away, on a Saturday night. I decided that I was going to invite Beth over one more time before the prom, on Friday night. I asked her if she would come over to go swimming and stay for dinner. I did this with a little extra information in the back of my mind. I knew my parents were going out and my brother wouldn't be hard to get rid of. I knew if I had Beth alone for a while, wonderful things would happen. All I could do was hope. We arrived back at Beth's house and as always being the gentleman that I was, I walked her to the front door. We exchanged very nice good byes and then exchanged one hell of a kiss. She took any words I had left right out of my mouth. She said good bye and stepped into the house. I drove home in a daze. What a kiss! It was actually nice going to school that week knowing that I would see Beth. She was always very nice to me and would always have a big smile on her face. I spoke to Beth every night on the telephone, usually for several hours. Never anything important, just general conversation. As time passed, I was getting more and more comfortable with her. I think I had my first real girlfriend. And would you believe, I was a senior in high school. I got off to a real late start. Friday came just as it always does, right on time. I picked Beth up at three in the afternoon, after we got out of school. She got into the car and right away slid over to the center of the seat. She gave me a big kiss and said she wanted to sit next to me. I had no complaints. I put my arm around her and she didn't complain. She was wearing the same robe. I asked if she had the same bathing suit on underneath and she said yes and opened up the robe to show me. She sure was right, but I wasn't looking at the bathing suit. I never really took a close look before but she filled out the bathing suit very nicely. Her chest was not big but very well proportioned for her size body. On the drive back to my house we had the usual conversation but about half way I noticed that she never closed her robe. Her beautiful bikinied body was there for the whole world to see. The moment I noticed that was the beginning of a raging hard-on that lasted for a bit longer than I would consider comfortable. I kept telling myself that this was my day. We pulled into my driveway and I parked the car. Neither of us was in a hurry to get out. She turned toward me, put her arms around me and we began making out right there in my driveway. We must have been there for about thirty minutes. I wrapped my hands around her waist. Her skin was so smooth and soft. She gave out sweet little moans as my hands massaged her back. I started to scratch her back and that got her really excited. She was rubbing my leg through my jeans, with each stroke going higher and higher but never touching me where I wanted her too. We stopped a moment to catch our breath. "Is anyone home?" "No, my parents are out and I was able to send my brother to my grandparents house for the whole night. My parents won't be home until late." "Great, I was looking forward to this all week. Let's go swimming." We peeled ourselves apart, got out of the car and walked around to the back of the house. "I don't have to go inside to change today. I have my bathing suit on underneath." As a gag, I started doing a striptease. I tossed my sneakers aside and slowly started unbuttoning my shirt. I was swinging my hips as if I were dancing to music. My shirt came off nice and slow and I dropped it to the ground. Then I went to work on my pants. I unsnapped them and pulled down the zipper real slowly. Beth was standing just a few feet away getting a real big kick out of it. For these few minutes, all my shyness and inhibitions were gone. I was just having plain fun. Slowly the pants started coming down. I was shaking them off with my hips. They fell to my ankles and I stepped out of them. "That's all folks!", I joked. Beth, laughing pretty hard, had to work to calm herself down. She gave me a kiss on the nose and said, "Wait right here". "Okay". Beth walked around to the deep end of the pool. I knew she had something in mind but I didn't know what. She moved right up to the edge of the pool with her toes hanging over the end. Then started rocking her hips around just like I did. She was doing the same striptease I did. She began to shake her shoulders and the robe slipped off one shoulder at a time and then was slowly guided to the ground. I expected her to jump into the pool. But did she? No she didn't. She put her right arm across her chest and reached around behind herself with her left arm. She was moving back and forth constantly. I saw the laces of her bikini top come down to her side then suddenly she tossed her bikini top on to the ground. There stood a beautiful body with a beautiful set of knockers all for my eyes to take in. I then expected her to jump into the pool, but she kept right on going. She tucked her thumbs inside the waist band and slowly pushed her bottoms down to her knees where she let go and wiggled them down to her ankles. She stepped out with one leg and kicked them behind her with the other. Now she was standing in front of me with absolutely nothing on but a big smile. She put her hands behind her head to accent her beautiful body. She didn't need to do that. When she felt that I had enough of an eye full she dove into the deep water. I followed her lead by dropping my suit to the ground and jumping in after her. We swam straight toward each other. When we got close, I reached out and put my arms around her waist and pulled her body against mind. I never had a feeling quite like that one. There is nothing else like two cool bodies rubbing against each other. I felt her nipples digging into my chest and her soft hairs against my erection. We loved rubbing up against the other's body. We slowly moved toward the shallow end of the pool, our bodies inseparable. Her lips pressed up against mine, I reached down with my hands and started massaging her tits. I did it the same way Linda had shown me several years earlier. Her nipples were almost solid in the cool water. Beth put her hands between us and began rubbing my chest. The feel of her hands on me almost made me go wild. After spending a little time with her beautiful mounds, I slid my hands down her sides to her exquisite ass. It was firm and very well shaped. I was squeezing and running my fingers up and down her crack. She really seemed to like this. She started playing with my ass also. It did feel good. Beth shocked me when she started playing with my asshole. She giggled when I jumped but kept right on going. I began to do the same to her and she started to purr. Then, with a little apprehension, I brought a hand around to her front side and slipped it between her legs. I didn't go right for her pussy because I didn't know what she would do. I began rubbing her thighs. This got her even more excited. She was loving it. I finally decided to go for her pussy. I slid my hand up and made contact. Beth jumped and I moved my hand quickly. "Keep going, don't move your hand, I like it there." I immediately did as she wanted. I placed my hand on her thigh and slid it up until I came to Beth's pussy. Once again Beth jumped, but I knew better than to move my hand this time. I applied more pressure and began to move my hand forward and back along the length of her slit. She loved it. The more she got excited the more I enjoyed getting her excited. At this point in time I completely forgot about my own pleasure and concentrated on Beth's. I gave careful consideration to every movement of my hand. I found Beth's most sensitive spot and gave it quite a bit of attention. By now she wasn't thinking about my pleasure either. She probably wasn't thinking about anything but the excitement between her legs. Her breathing was so heavy as I rubbed her clit that I thought she was dying but she felt just the opposite. At the same time I used a little innovation and raised her out of the water a little bit with my leg and started sucking on her nipples. I would pay close attention to the hard tips which seemed to be continually getting harder. Her excitement started to build beyond the point of containment. She started moaning very softly, but that didn't last very long. Soon she was groaning and she kept getting louder and louder until she was just a few steps below a scream. I knew she was going to come soon and that she did. Her whole body seemed to go into spasms and her breathing became very erratic. She wrapped her arms around my neck and began to squeeze very tightly. I almost came just watching her come. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction to know that I had done that. Beth slowly came down from cloud nine and began to relax her body and luckily for me, relaxed the bear hug she had around my neck. She looked at me with the biggest ear to ear smile I had ever seen and gave me one of her usual, very healthy, kisses. "You're very talented." She tried to flatter me with bullshit. "I had never done that before with any girl. I'm glad you liked it." "Liked it, I loved it. We are going to have to do that more often." "That's fine with me." "Come over here" she said as she nudged me toward the side of the pool. We slowly glided over to the edge. I didn't know what she had in mind but I got a real good idea when she told me to sit up on the edge of the pool. I was right, my first blowjob. My dreams and fantasies were beginning to come true. Beth very gently took my hard-on into her hand and began to stroke it. "You better be careful you're are going to make a mess." "That's the whole idea" Beth snickered as she kissed the head of my rod. I just leaned back and decided to enjoy the ride. Beth began licking the head like a little kid on an ice cream cone, and I think she really liked ice cream. She seemed to be enjoying herself and I was no doubt enjoying it too. She put the end in her mouth and with one stroke sank all the way down to my balls. I let out a moan that even surprised me. She went up and down with expert skill but I didn't know any other. Even no skill at all would have been pretty good. It didn't take long for me to build up a rather healthy load. I felt my climax coming and I warned Beth but she kept right on going. "Here I come!" At that moment she pulled her head away and with one mighty stroke of her hand I shot my load right into the pool. Beth kept on stroking getting out every last drop then proceeded to lick my head clean. "Wow", I blurted out in a tone of relief. "Now I know what you mean when you said you loved it. That was outstanding." Beth giggled and took off swimming toward the ladder. I sat catching my breath waiting to see what she would do. She started to climb out of the pool, and as her ass came out of the water she wiggled it in my direction. I decided that was a good time to get up and follow her. She walked over to the patio and laid down in one of the sun chairs we had out. I loved watching her walk around completely nude. She signaled for me to come over and of course I did. "Lay down next to me." Once again I did exactly as she asked. (I'm just a push over. What can I tell you?) She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. We started to massage each other once again. My hands were all over her. It wasn't long before I was up again. I told myself that this was the moment. I rolled Beth onto her back and spread her legs. I was staring right down into her pussy. It was soaking wet. I climbed on top of her and I was about to put my rod inside her when she stopped me. "Not today, I want to wait for a special day. I have never gone all the way before. Let's wait until tomorrow night, after the prom." "I have never done it before either. Okay, I'll wait but do you think maybe you could take care of this little problem I have now. "The little problem wouldn't happen to be sticking me in the stomach would it?" "Not only are you beautiful, with a magnificent body, but you can also read minds." "I don't need to read minds. You're just horny." "You're damn right." Beth rolled out from underneath me and had me lie down on my back. I closed my eyes just waiting for the feel of her lips on my hot rod. I was not waiting in vain. There they were, just as I expected. Going up and down with the smoothness of silk. I opened my eyes to look down at her and was startled by a very wet pussy inches from my face. Beth stopped what she was doing and looked at me and said in a real childish voice, "Eat me...please". How could someone turn down a request like that. I didn't have the nerve to tell her that I had never eaten out a girl before. I had always thought it would be disgusting but was I wrong. I knew I had to do something so I parted her flesh with my hands and saw her little nub pointing out at me. I started flicking it with the tip of my tongue. She began to go crazy. She didn't taste bad at all. Much better than I had expected. I started licking her entire pussy. She was getting wild. Her body was swinging all over the place and she was going up and down on my cock so furiously that I thought she was going to swallow it whole. I couldn't hold on much longer and neither could she. My gusher was about ready to blow. I could feel the spasms flowing through Beth's body and moments later through my own. Beth collapsed on top of me and we just lay there for a few minutes. By this time there wasn't much daylight left and we were getting pretty hungry. "Lets put some clothes on and go upstairs to eat". Beth's response surprised me. "I am hungry. You were one hell of a meal but not very filling. But why do we have to put clothes on? Lets stay just the way we are. I love walking around my house in the nude but it's not often that nobody is home." "That's fine with me." Beth climbed off me and I stood up. I held her hand as I guided her up the stairs to the kitchen. We arrived in the kitchen and I asked Beth if she would like anything to drink. "Do you have any iced tea?" "Sure." I pulled out two glasses and poured us some tea. "What would you like for dinner? I had nothing special planned. We have plenty here from hot dogs to hamburgers and all the way up to roast beef. What would you like?" "Well, I've been eating the same hot dog all afternoon so I think I'll have a hamburger this time." "Your right. Okay, hamburgers it is." I took a couple of hamburgers out of the refrigerator and put them into the microwave. Beth went to the refrigerator. "Do you have any ketchup?" "Yeh, it should be on the door." I was starting to get hard again watching Beth walk around the room stark naked. While looking for the ketchup, she saw something that caught her fancy. She pulled out a large cucumber and looked at me and said, "I just love cucumbers." She had the biggest grin on her face. I was hoping she would go to work on it but she just put it back and closed the door. Beth sat down at the table just as the microwave was finished cooking. I took out the hamburgers, pulled out some buns, put it all together on plates and sat them down on the table. I sat down on the chair next to Beth. She really must have been hungry because she dug right in. We did burn up a lot of energy today. We started talking about how much fun we had today. There was no doubt in either of our minds that it was a fun day. Beth was a little bit of a slob while she was eating. She dripped ketchup right on to her chest. Of course it landed right on her nipple. "Oh that's cold." I started laughing as her nipple starting getting larger. She went to reach for a napkin and I told her to wait. I leaned over and with my tongue, licked the ketchup right off with one fast flick. "It looks like the fun is not over yet", she commented. We continued to eat, this time paying more attention to the food. The burgers were gone in no time at all. I asked if she wanted more and she said no. I cleaned off the table like a good little boy and put the dishes in the sink. I turned to Beth and said that it was getting time for me to take her home. "Besides, I have had this hard-on almost all day and I am getting pretty sore." Beth turned her chair to face me, lifted her knees to her chest and spread her legs as wide as she could showing me her wild pussy and said, "Does my poor baby's dick hurt? Why don't you come over here and let me suck on it and make it better." I must have grown another inch. Now it was really starting to hurt. "Please no more, not tonight. It really does hurt." With that she put her legs down. "Okay, I understand, but I don't want to hear any crap from you tomorrow night." I wasn't too sure if she was mad at me or was being funny. I was finally starting to get soft again. The pain was starting to go away. But Beth couldn't leave well enough alone, she had to have one last stab at me. "Just keep in mind tomorrow night after the prom, my body is yours for the taking." She said that in such a voice that I couldn't help but get hard again. She started to laugh real hard. "Don't you worry. I'll get you back for that one. Come on, let's go." I threw on some clothes that I had upstairs and Beth went downstairs to get her clothes. I told her I would meet her by the car. I got outside and it was getting pretty dark so I had to fumble for the car keys. Beth wasn't there yet so I got in the car and started it up. A minute or two later, she hopped into the car and I started driving her home. As soon as I got up on the highway, I put my arm around her. This was starting to become natural. I noticed she was wearing her robe. I couldn't resist sliding my hand down inside her robe and grabbing her tits. She wasn't wearing anything on underneath. Suddenly... "Oh! You wanted to play now do you! Well I'll show you." I knew she wasn't mad at me by the way she said that. She moved over to the far end of the seat, undid her robe and tossed it in the back seat. I got hard instantly. She turned and faced me, leaning back against the door and placing one leg on top of the dashboard and her other over the seat. "I am going to make you regret that you wouldn't let me suck you off." She began playing with herself at a furious pace. One hand on her pussy and the other on her tits. She was running her fingers in and out of her hole. She became sopping wet. I had a hard time staying on the road. I had to slow down so I could watch the action. Her breathing got real heavy and I knew she was going to get herself off. I pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned toward Beth. "You stay right where you are. You deserve every bit of this." She had such a large grin on her face that I knew she was loving every minute of it. She got back to what she was doing and I took my cock out of my pants and started stroking it. No matter how sore I was, I just had to do it. You wouldn't think she could just leave me in my torment. Oh no, she had to tease me right to the limit. In a voice that was straining to come out of her mouth over the sound of her heavy breathing she began saying, "Don't you wish your tongue was in my pussy right now, stroking my clit back and forth, making me come. I'd have your cock in my mouth, licking and sucking every inch of it until you were ready to explode. Then I would swallow every drop of come you have. My pussy is so wet. Look at what your tongue does to me. I'm going to come soon. Stop... Stop... I want to feel your cock inside me. Fuck me, Fuck me...Put it in me now. Oh yes, it'll feels so good. Slide it in nice and slow, that's it, start pumping, faster, faster." Beth could hardly breath. She was really getting into this. "I'm coming...I'm coming...I'm..." That's all she wrote. She came all right, right in the front seat of my car on the highway. Beth slowly wound down, catching her breath one at a time. When she was partially back on earth, she reached into the back seat, grabbed her robe, put it on and very casually said,"Okay, you can take me home now." "Are you sure? I have this raging hard-on that could really use your lips around it." Beth started laughing uncontrollably, "Fuck off and die. I wouldn't suck you off now if your dick was a foot long. You're just going to have to wait until tomorrow night." "Thanks." "Your welcome." I started the car rolling again toward Beth's house. After I had the car rolling, I put my hard-on back in my pants. I could here Beth snickering off to the side. We arrived back at her house and I parked the car. We just sat looking at each other, then Beth couldn't hold it in and broke out laughing. "I'm really sorry about all that but I just couldn't resist, it was so much fun." That's all right. Just remember, you'll get yours tomorrow night." "Sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to it. It's time for me to head inside. Now you take good care of yourself because I am going to run you ragged tomorrow night." "Keep dreaming." We both got a little laugh out of that and then we got out of the car. At the front door we gave each other a good night kiss and said our good nights. I was real tired and I had to drive home cautiously. I tried not to think of the days events because that would just get me hard again and by this time that hurt. I had to rest up for tomorrow night. I went straight home and went right to sleep. The next thing I knew it was morning. My dick was feeling a lot better after a good night's rest. I got out of bed feeling very relaxed. The night before really made me feel good. But then I thought about tonight and suddenly I was filled with anxiety. I couldn't wait. I hung out around the house all morning just relaxing and watching a lot of television. Because I was so engrossed in the TV, the morning went very quickly. The prom was to begin at five and I was picking up Beth at four thirty. At noon I went to get my tuxedo from the cleaners and pick up a corsage I had ordered for Beth. After picking up the above, I went home and took a real long hot shower. It felt wonderful. I put on my underwear, shaved and all those other boring things and then went to watch some more TV. I was starting to get real anxious again. I was looking forward to this prom for a long time and especially what was to come after. Four o'clock was coming near and I decided it was time to put my tux on. I had wasted the entire day around the house and I loved every minute of it. I got dressed taking my nice sweet time. I was able to go slow enough so that by the time I was done it was four fifteen and time to leave. I talked my father into letting me use his Lincoln. He doesn't often let me drive it even when he is in the car but tonight he let me take it with no strings attached except that I bring it back in one piece. I was off to Beth's. Arriving at Beth's, I found her and her parents out in front of the house taking pictures and waiting for me. I walked up to Beth, gave her a kiss and handed her the corsage. She loved it. She gave me a big hug to show her affection. Her mother proclaimed it picture time so Beth and I had to pose for all the necessary pictures. It was not as important to us as it was to her parents. Her mother finally ran out of film and we were on our way. Our high school had hired a very ritzy country club about a ten minute drive away. We were there in no time. I was surprised to see all the limousines and foreign sports cars there but I'm sure everyone tried to get the best car that they could possibly get their hands on. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the entrance. We entered the lobby and saw a crowd of people. It was a very big place but the large number of people made it seem an awful lot smaller. Beth and I looked around for friends and of course there were plenty to be found. They said we should get on line right away to get our pictures taken. So we did. After the pictures were taken we pigged out on the buffet. It was real good. After the buffet was plenty of dancing and plenty more food. The band was average, nothing special. I felt great holding Beth tight while we were dancing. I would get a hard-on every time we were close and she noticed. I never did like big dances so the evening seemed to drag. I was so much looking forward to the action after the dance. It was getting to be about midnight and I looked at Beth. She looked pretty bored. "Would you like to go or stay a little while longer?" "Let's get going," she said. "This is getting dull, besides the best part of the night is yet to come." She said the magic words and we said our good byes to our friends and left for the car. Once again, like a gentleman, I opened the door for her. She was impressed. We got in the car and I started it to warm it up. I asked Beth where she wanted to go. She said in a real seductive voice, "let's go somewhere so that we can be alone for a while." "That's no problem", I replied. I started driving away from the country club and toward a spot I had picked out a couple of days earlier. Not too far away was a reservoir with a dirt road going around it. The road was very dark and I had never seen another car back there. We arrived at the entrance to the road after just a few minutes driving. As I started driving down the road, Beth commented on how quiet and secluded it was. About a half mile into the road I pulled off to the side and parked the car. Beth and I turned and looked at each other. We moved together and started making out. I started squeezing her tits and she stopped me. "Slow down. I want to get us warmed up first. Beth kicked off her shoes and started pulling up her dress very slowly and sensuously. She got the big bundle of material up to her waist and pulled down her panty hose to reveal her magnificent pussy. She tossed her hose in the back seat and sat facing me. She spread her legs and started playing with herself. "Your pussy is soaked," I told her. She replied, "I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I've been wet since before you picked me up today. About an hour before you came to get me I was busy playing with myself thinking about how your cock would feel inside me. I imagined you slowly undressing me, bit by bit. After you had all my clothes of you would just sit and stare at me. I would get so wet just having you stare at me just like you are now." All the time this was happening Beth was rubbing her clit and getting herself off. I couldn't help myself. I pulled out my cock and started stroking as she continued. "You would then take my nipples between your lips and suck on them one at a time. It would sent shivers up my spine. They would get so hard. But then the fun would begin. You would bury your face between my legs and you would use your tongue to drive me crazy. But then the moment that would throw me over the edge. You put the head of your cock right at the opening of my pussy. I would spread my legs as wide as I could and wrap them around your back. Then very slowly you would enter me going back and forth. We were so excited that it would only take a few strokes for us to come and I could feel your load deep inside me." At this point our breathing became real heavy as I watched Beth reach climax. She couldn't talk anymore. She was moaning and groaning and too busy coming to say anything. Her body began to shudder. I knew she went over the edge. I wasn't far myself. Beth noticed that I hadn't come yet. "Keep going, I want to see you jerk off for a change." The fact that I was being watched made me even more excited. In just a few strokes I came all over my hand. It was a mess. Beth took my hand and started licking my fingers. She licked them clean, every drop of come was now in her mouth. She seemed to love the taste. We both collapsed on each other, completely out of breath. It was starting to get warm in the car so Beth peeled off the remaining pieces of her dress. She tossed the whole bundle in the backseat. I followed Beth's example and took off my tux. It was a hell of a lot more comfortable that way. We sat side by side with my arm around Beth. I brought my arm from around her and started to massage her pussy. She let out a sound of approval. Then she reached out and grabbed my cock and started to stroke it trying to get it hard again. We sat for a few minutes indulging ourselves before I got hard again. Beth had gotten worked up right away. Once I was hard again, Beth backed up against the door and spread her legs once again. She reached under her seat and pulled out her purse. In her purse was an average sized dildo which really caught me by surprise. I didn't expect her to have one of those. "I have been playing with this for the past few weeks so that when we did go all the way it wouldn't hurt. She placed the dildo at her opening and slide it in very gently. She gave a gasp of pain but just for a moment. After that moment it slid in nice and smooth and the pain turned to pleasure. I stopped her and told her that she had better save some energy for me. She said not to worry that she had more than I could imagine. I believed her and let her continue with what she was doing. I started to stroke myself again but Beth wanted me to make sure that I didn't come again. I wasn't sure why but she would show me shortly. Beth came again very quickly and then collapsed in my arms. After catching her breath, she leaned over a little more and took my dick in her mouth and with one smooth motion went right to the bottom. She was going up and down and I could feel myself building but this time it was going to take much longer because I had just come a few minutes earlier. It took almost fifteen minutes but Beth was persistent and I came right in her mouth and she swallowed every drop. After she was sure she got it all she sat up and said that it was time to relax again. I couldn't agree with her more. We just sat and stared at the top of the car trying to catch our breath. Beth slumped over and fell into my arms. I put my arm around her and held her tight. I was able to reach around with my right hand and start playing with her nipples. She signaled her approval by moving even closer. We gave each other a real big kiss and then started laughing. I'm not sure why but it just seemed like the thing to do. Beth said to me, "are you ready to lose your cherry yet? I am." "It would be hard for me to screw with a dick this soft." "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll spring up to the occasion." "Yea, right." "It's too hot in here, let's go outside." Before I could say anything, Beth was out the door and walking around to the front of the car. I said to myself, this girl is weird but I wanted to get laid so bad that if I wanted it I would have to get out of the car so I did. As I opened my door to step out, Beth jumped up and sat down on the hood. The hood was still nice and warm from the engine. The hood of the Lincoln was real big so Beth slid all the way back with her back up against the windshield. I walked around to the front of the car and stared at Beth. She spread her legs very seductively and said, "Fuck me." Believe me, that's all it took to get me hard. I jumped up on the hood with my flag pole waving in the wind and crawled toward Beth. I laid down on top of her and I could feel my cock in her bush. I gave Beth a real big hug and kiss and she said once again, "fuck me." Before I could react she slide her hand between us and grabbed my cock. She directed it to the entrance and started to move it up and down along her pussy to lubricate the tip, then once she felt it was ready, she moved the tip back to her hole and started to push it in. As soon as my head entered she gave a sign of pain so I tried to pull out but she said to keep going. The pain would go away in a moment. She pushed me in a little farther. After my whole length was in she let go of my cock and grabbed my ass with her hands. She slowly guided me in and out until I was well lubricated with her juices. I could tell now that there was no more pain. Beth let go of my ass and wrapped her legs around my back and said, "go for it, fuck my brains out." And that's exactly what I did. I started pumping harder and faster. Beth wrapped her arms around my neck. I thought she was going to choke me. It was a great idea to get each other off a few times first because I know I would have come instantly otherwise. We humped away for what felt like eternity. I was getting real tired but Beth was huffing and puffing, almost as if she were cheering me on. Suddenly, I felt my climax building. Beth was getting so turned on that it was turning me on just as much. Beth started getting louder and louder until she was almost screaming. I certainly hope no one else was in the area. I felt myself coming and I knew she was coming. Just a few more strokes and that would be the end. Beth started screaming out loud. "I'm coming, I'm coming, faster, faster." Then she let out one last scream which also sent me into oblivion. We both came at almost the same time. What a feeling it was for my first time. I didn't believe there was anything better. Beth quickly quieted down because she was out of energy to do anymore. I rolled off her and lay next to her. Beth turned to me and grabbed me around the neck again and planted one hell of a kiss on me. She was in a real excited mood. She said, "that was wonderful, you were great. I never came like that before. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life." After that followed another real big kiss. We both just lay back staring at the stars contemplating our ecstasy. "That was one hell of an experience" I said to her. Beth just kept staring up at the stars. It was getting a little cold just laying on the hood so I suggested that we get back in the car and Beth agreed. We sat down in the car and gave each other a big hug. We really did have a good time. "Wait here. I'll be right back." With that, I opened my door and stepped out. I went around to the back of the car, opened up the trunk and pulled out a small bag. I closed the trunk and got back into the car. "What's in there?", Beth asked. I pull out a Polaroid instant camera. "I was hoping I could get some pictures of you without any clothes on." "You have got to be kidding. No way. You'll show them to everybody." "No I won't. I want them to have to jerk off with when you're not around. I promise you that I won't show them to anybody else." "Okay, as long as you promise not to show them to anybody AND I want some pictures of you. Agreed?" "Agreed." "What would you like me to do?" "Well how about leaning up against the door and face me." Beth did exactly as I asked and I snapped a picture. The flash startled both of us. It was very bright. I then told Beth to spread her legs open so I could see her pussy. She did it without question. "Now make it look like you are playing with yourself." Once again Beth complied. She put her left hand on her chest and her right hand between her legs. She leaned her head back and made it look like she was really getting into it. Actually I think she was because her pussy was getting wet again. I snapped the picture. "Now it's my turn" Beth proclaimed. "What would you like me to do?" "Get out of the car and walk around to the front." I was feeling real brave by this point and I didn't mind walking around outside. I got out of the car and Beth followed. We walked to the front and Beth said, "sit down on the hood of the car with your legs hanging off the front. I did exactly what she said. The hood was cold. Beth stepped back to take the picture and realized that my dick was soft. She said that she couldn't have a picture like that so Beth came back close to me and dropped her head between my legs and started to suck on my cock. Her hot lips and tongue felt great on my dick. It was only moments before I was hard again. Once Beth was satisfied, she stepped back and took the picture. "Now wrap your fingers around your cock and lean back a little bit. I did that and she snapped another picture. "Now slide back and lay up against the windshield." I slid back to another cold part of the hood and leaned back onto a cold windshield. I was starting to get cold again. Beth flashed another picture then jumped up onto the hood. She put the camera down next to her and crawled up on top of me. She planted a big kiss on my lips and said, "that was fun. Maybe someday we can get some pictures of us fooling around." "That has possibilities." I was paying attention to what Beth was saying and not to what she was doing. Beth arranged her pussy so it was over my cock and with on smooth motion sat right down on my cock sending it deep inside her pussy. She caught me completely by surprise and the feeling of me inside her almost made me come right away. Beth started to move forward and back and I started to move to match the rhythm of her body. Beth giggled when she realized that I wasn't expecting her. She sat up and started to go up and down on me. We were both real hot from the picture taking so we got worked up real fast. It was only moments until our breathing was heavy and our thrusts were at a quick pace. Beth started her screaming again. It is hard to call screaming. They were more like very joyful moans. They are the kind of sounds a very horny girl makes when she is about to come. Maybe she was making those sounds with good reason. She was a horny girl about to come. Boy did she. I could see her body jerk as she reached her climax. She had a very long climax this time. She kept up her up and down motion long enough for me to come. My body was jerking around too. It was real hard to control myself. When I have a hard-on, my brains go to my dick. Beth slowed down her motion and finally stopped with me still deep inside her. After Beth regained her senses, she got off me and said that it was about time I took her home. I was a little upset, we were having such a great time but I knew that now were past the first step and there would be much more to follow. I agreed that it was getting late and that I should take her home even though I didn't want too. We pulled out our clothes and started to get dressed outside the car. It was a little too cramped on the inside. I had my pants and shirt on way before Beth was able to get her dress back on so I went over to help her. Beth was pulling her dress up and had it around her waist. I grabbed the camera from off the hood and said, "smile." Beth flashed me a quick smile and I snapped the picture. It was a beautiful topless shot with the most perfect grin. I told her I wanted that one enlarged into a poster. She said she would kill me. I walked over behind Beth and helped her pull her dress up to her shoulders. But before I zipped it up for her, I reached my hands inside and around to her front and began to massage her tits. Her nipples got hard real fast but she pulled my hands out and said it was time to get going. I zipped up her dress and helped her get into the car. I closed the door for her, walked around the car grabbing the camera and pictures as I went, got in on my side, started up and began to drive off. Beth moved over and sat down next to me. She put her head on my shoulder and told me that she was tired. I put my arm around her and told her that I was exhausted too; she had worn me out. Our drive back to her house was very quiet and uneventful. We were both real tired. I pulled up in front of Beth's house and shut off the car. I walked around and open the door for her. She was really exhausted. I think she fell asleep on the drive back. I helped her out and we walked to the front door. I stood facing her and looked right into her eyes. She had a very sincere looking smile on her face when she said, "I had a wonderful time this evening." I knew she was telling the truth when a tear came to her eye. She immediately swung her arms around me and gave me a real tight and loving hug. We stood for a few minutes until I pushed her head back so I could plant a real big kiss on her. When we finally pulled apart, I asked Beth if I could take her out tomorrow for lunch. Of course she said yes, as long as I didn't pick her up before noon, and after one more kiss, I left. It really was a wonderful evening but I was too exhausted to even think about it. I just drove home and went to sleep. I woke up in the morning feeling very refreshed and very good about myself. I had actually gone all the way and it was exactly as I had fantasized it to be. It couldn't have gone better. Beth and I got along so well that I'm sure I would be seeing a lot more of her in the weeks to come. I was looking forward to the afternoon just to take her out and to be with her. I didn't even want to get in her pants which is very strange for me but I sure as hell wouldn't stop if the opportunity arose. I went about my business in the house during the morning. I watched lots of TV and ate lots of garbage. I had to stop myself because I knew I was going to take Beth out for lunch. It wouldn't be very nice of me to sit there and not eat. It was finally time to go get Beth. I got out into the car and started it up. I still had the keys to my father's Lincoln. It was Sunday and I figured he didn't need it. It was a good thing I did use it. I had left the pictures from the night before in the car. I started looking at the pictures of Beth and I got an instant hard-on. I started jerking off sitting in the car while it was warming up. It didn't take too long for me and the car to heat up. After I was done, I put my dick in my pants and drove off. I was really looking forward to seeing Beth now. I started driving a little bit faster. I got to Beth's in no time flat. I put the pictures in my pocket and went up to Beth's door. I rang the doorbell and heard Beth yell to come in. I opened up the door and stepped inside closing the door behind me. "I'm here." "Take a seat in the living room, I'll be down in a moment." I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch facing the television which was on to some Bugs Bunny cartoons. I love Bugs Bunny. I started to get really engrossed in the cartoons and I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me. Beth had come down the stairs and and very quietly sneaked around behind the couch. She really surprised me. She put her hand over my eyes and said, "guess who." "Miss America." "Damn you're close. But how many Miss America's do you know that love to walk around the house in the nude." Beth then pulled her hands away and leaped over the couch and landed in my lap. She was just like she said, completely nude. She gave me a kiss and jumped up and stood in front of me. She started rubbing her tits and her pussy and said, "Do I get you horny? Well if I do, you can have me but you have to catch me first." With that she ran out of the room and of course I followed quickly. Beth stopped at the top of the stairs and rubbed her pussy once more. Then she ran into a room upstairs. I followed and went through the entrance into the room which she ran into and found Beth lying on her bed with her legs spread wide open and her pussy pointing in my direction. She was rubbing her clit at a feverish pace. "I have been waiting for you to get here all morning. My parents went out before I got up and I haven't put on a stitch of clothing all day. I have been waiting for you to make love to me. Now you're here and I can't wait to have you inside me. So drop your pants and get over here before I come without you." I immediately began to strip and believe me, it didn't take long. I crawled onto the bed and buried my face between Beth's legs. I started licking so fast and hard that she started to moan and groan right away. She got so excited so fast that I couldn't help but get excited just as fast. Beth came in minutes. As soon as she did, I moved forward and put my cock right into her. It felt wonderful and in moments I came also. I rolled off of Beth and she jumped up and reached for some clothes. "It's time to go for lunch" she said as she slipped on a pair of jeans and a tube top. I asked her if those pants were uncomfortable without any underwear. She said she loved the way it rubbed up against her pussy. I wasn't going to argue. I got up and put my clothes back on and we were then off to lunch. Lunch was uneventful. We went for pizza and we both love it so we were too busy eating to discuss anything of importance. We were just about to finish when a friend of Beth's walked in. She and Beth exchanged their greetings and then Beth introduced me to Charlene. Beth said that they have been friends for years. Charlene was a bit taller than me with brown wavy hair that was just short of her shoulders. She was wearing a red jogging suit and tennis shoes. She was very thin, making her chest stick out a little. Nothing excessive but definitely noticeable. The one thing that was very noticeable about her was the fact that she was all legs. Some girls just seem to stand out as having very long legs. Well Charlene was one of them. She had come to pick up a pizza for lunch. Charlene sat with us for a few minutes while she was waiting. We mostly talked about school. Charlene was one year behind us. I didn't ever remember seeing her in the halls but then again that didn't mean anything because we went to a very big school. The only positive thing that came out of the conversation was an invitation to a party that she was having that week. Beth really wanted to go and I had no special plans so I said that I would go also. Beth was really happy that I was going. She didn't want to go alone. Charlene's pizza was ready so she paid for it and left. Beth was all excited about this party. After Charlene left, we realized that we were done so we got up and left. The party was all we talked about on the drive back to Beth's house. We really didn't know what we wanted to do that afternoon. I had just started driving toward Beth's house as a habit. I parked in front of Beth's house and asked Beth what she wanted to do. She didn't have anything special in mind and asked if I wanted to just sit on the front porch of her house and talk. I liked that idea because I always have been fond of general, what I call, 'shoot the shits'. I can pass entire afternoons with people just sitting and talking about absolutely nothing important. We walked up to the front of the house and sat down on a couch. Beth got up right away and ran into the house reappearing a few minutes later with a pitcher of iced tea and a couple of glasses. She handed me a glass and poured some tea. After pouring some for herself, she sat down right next to me putting her head on my shoulder. That was my cue to put my arm around her and give her a big squeeze. "That feels good. Hold me tight," Beth replied. I held on to her real tight and rubbed her shoulder at the same time. I was starting to feel very comfortable before Beth surprised me by placing her hand on my crotch and started rubbing. "We are not going to get much talking done this way," I told her. "I know." I started getting hard real fast just as I usually do. This time was no exception. Beth started giggling, "you really get hard fast don't you?" "Only for you", I told her even tough I knew that was a lot of bullshit. I could get hard for any girl. Beth had gotten me started so there was no turning back now. I slipped my hand off her shoulder and down through the top of her tube top and took hold of one of her tits and started squeezing it gently and playing with her nipple. She gave a sign of consent by squeezing my cock a little harder. I love tube tops because they are so easy to get into. Beth reached for my zipper and slowly pulled it down. After a little maneuvering around she was able to get my cock to stand straight up out of my pants. She sat back and started stroking my shaft. I couldn't be outdone so I took my arm from around her and placed it in her lap. I started massaging her pussy through her pants. Her pants started to get a little damp so I reached up, undid the snap and pulled down her zipper. As I started to slide my hand into her pants I remembered that she didn't have any panties on. I felt her soft hairs in the heel of my hand as I probed her soft, wet hole. Beth helped me along by spreading her legs to give me better access. By this time my dick was rock hard and getting ready to squirt. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was in heaven. I could hear Beth breathing heavy as I played with her clit, making very low volume moans. We enjoyed this action for a few minutes until finally it was time to come. I came first, all over Beth's hand. She kept right on stroking until I felt her body jerk as she came a few moments later. We were just starting to catch our breath when a voice came out of nowhere, "I don't think Mommy would approve of that." We were so lost in what we were doing that neither of us had paid any attention to what was going on around us. We quickly retracted our hands and composed ourselves. Beth was white as a ghost but slowly her color started to return. She then introduced me to her sister Karen who was a very short girl with short brown curly hair. Not the greatest looking but acceptable. Beth told me that she was only two years younger than she was which I wouldn't have guessed because she looked much younger. "Wait until I tell Mommy what I saw. She is going to kill you." "You are going to keep your mouth shut Karen or I,m going to kill you," Beth replied. By the tone of their voices I could tell that they didn't get along too well. Karen went into the house laughing and Beth turned red she was getting so mad. "Just wait a few minutes, we'll get her back. She is a horny little bitch and probably can't wait to get herself off. That is when we will catch her and make her wish she never said anything to us." I couldn't help but laugh to myself. This was going to be fun. We sat just holding hands for a few minutes until Beth signaled that we should go into the house but very quietly. We both moved like cats, very slow and silently. Beth's stairs were surprisingly quiet. We reached the entrance to Karen's room and Beth whispered in my ear telling me that she had greased Karen's door for just such an occasion. Beth began to open the door ever so slowly until it was cracked open about half an inch. Beth peered inside and grinned. She then pointed for me to look. I moved around Beth and put my eye up to the opening. I could see Karen laying on her bed, completely nude, spread eagle, masturbating furiously. Beth opened the door a little bit wider. It didn't make a sound. She kept going until it was wide enough for us to slip through. Beth entered her room and I followed right behind her. Karen was breathing very heavily. I could tell she wasn't far from coming. Very unexpectedly, even to me, Beth said out loud, "I don't think Mommy would approve of that." Karen looked up with an astonished look on her face, saw both of us then curled up into a little ball and rolled off the far side of her bed so we couldn't see her. She must have turned bright shade of red. She started screaming, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" "Wait until I tell Mommy what I saw. She is going to kill you." When Beth said that I couldn't help but break out into laughter. Beth began to laugh with me as we left the room. As we were going down the stairs, I began to think to myself that Karen's body wasn't all that bad. I wouldn't mind getting into her pants at all, but of course I had Beth so why need anyone else. Beth was more than I could handle. We sat back down in the living room still laughing at what we had done. It was pretty funny. "So tell me about Charlene and her parties. What are they like?" "Charlene lives with her father in a real nice apartment. When Charlene has a party, she rents a large room on the ground floor and usually orders one of those six foot sandwiches and a keg or two of beer. The best part is the indoor heated swimming pool in the next room." I thought to myself, oh god, not another pool. "In each of the dressing rooms is a sauna. It's a real nice place." "Okay, you've told me about Charlene's parties now how about Charlene." "You'll really like Charlene. I've gone to a few of her parties, she's really a lot of fun to be with. She tells the greatest dirty stories and gets the guys all hard then makes fun of them." "That doesn't sound like too much fun to me," I commented. "It's fun to watch a guy try to hide a hard-on in a bathing suit. Charlene likes to be a real tease. That's just her personality. She doesn't mean any harm. She doesn't always tease, she likes to have her fun too." "So she's not a virgin?" "Nope, I was with her the night that she lost her cherry. It was the night of her sixteenth birthday. She was having a party at her father's house in the country. It is a real nice house in the middle of the woods right on a beautiful lake. Anyway she had her boyfriend, Craig, there. That night after most people had left, they swam out to a float that was anchored in the middle of the lake. They thought that no one had seen them but I did. I had a little idea about what they were going to do but I wasn't sure, so I waited until they were busy making out then I swam out real quietly. My curiosity was so strong that I had to see what was going to happen. Craig started fondling her through her bathing suit. She loved it. I could hear every sound she made. Charlene pulled off her top and then started working on Craig's suit. It came off real fast. Charlene went right for his dick. She started stroking it but it was already hard. Charlene didn't waste any time. She guided him right into her. She jumped with pain as he entered her. Craig started moving back and forth and I could see that Charlene was still in pain. After a few minutes of humping, she didn't seem to be in too much pain anymore. They were at it for quite a while before Charlene showed any signs that she was about to come but she finally did and Craig came just a few moments later. They looked pretty satisfied. Charlene said that they had better get back so they put their bathing suit back on and headed for the house. As soon as they were back in the house I started to swim back." "Did they know you were there?" "When Charlene got back to the house she started to look for me. She asked someone else where I was and they said that I was out taking a swim. When I walked in a few minutes later Charlene came up to me asked if I was out swimming and I told her that I was and that it was very interesting. She asked if I was watching her and Craig and I said yes, from a lot closer than she thought. Charlene laughed and said that she hoped I enjoyed it as much as she did. I said not as much, but I did enjoy it. Charlene and I went on talking about our love lives for several hours on into the wee hours of the morning until the end of the party. Most people had left by about two but a few spent the night because they were either too drunk to drive or lived too far. When we all woke up in the morning, Charlene and I had our arms around each other. Everyone though we were fooling around. I don't remember doing anything with Charlene, who knows?" "I'd love to get it on with you and Charlene." "Yea, I bet you would. Keep dreaming." "Now you really have me looking forward to this party. I will have to keep my eyes on Charlene and maybe I'll get to see her in action. Speaking of action, seeing Karen playing with herself and talking about Charlene has made me real hot." "Well that's too bad because we can't do anything here because Karen is home, unless of course you know another place we can go." "Of course I do." "Well let's go then." Beth and I both headed for the car. We jumped right in an I was off in a flash. I didn't want to go back to the reservoir, not during the day because it is much easier to be seen. Luckily I knew of a trail on a nearby mountain that I used to hike on when I was younger. I could park the car near by and we could walk into the woods a hundred yards or so. Beth asked me where we were going but I just told her to wait and see. It was about a ten minute drive to get up to this place. When we arrived, I parked the car and got out. Beth looked around and commented that she didn't even know that place existed. I took her hand and guided her toward a trail and then into the woods. We walked for about five minutes. It was a lot harder walking now than it was a few years ago because the brush had grown in a little. We came to a small grassy clearing, I stopped and pulled Beth to my planting a big kiss on her lips and saying, "we're here". "Nice place," Beth said as she put her arms around me and returned the kiss. I put my arms around her grabbing her ass and squeezing until Beth let out a sigh. She did the same to me. A few moments later I reached around to the front of her pants, opened the snap and pulled down the zipper. I put my arms back around her but this time I put my hands inside her pants and grabbed her bare ass. I was so beautifully soft I couldn't help but to squeeze it. Beth of course, taking her cue from me, did the same thing. I began pushing down on her pants from behind until they slid off her ass and down her legs. I kept pushing her pants down until they were around her ankles. Beth took her arms from around me and pushed me back a couple of steps. I now had a good view of her standing in front of me with her top still on and her pants around her ankles. Beth reached down and pulled her pants completely off. Now she was just standing with only her top on. I could see that between her legs she was starting to get real wet by the real shiny spots on the inside of her thighs. I started moving toward her but she signaled me to stop. Beth reached up, grabbed her tube top and pulled it up over her head. She said, "now you can come here." I moved to her very quickly and put my arms around her. I gave her a real big kiss and then began kissing my way down her neck, to her shoulders and then to her nipples. I sucked on her nipples as I felt them getting harder in my mouth. Once her nipples were completely hard, I started to move down again finishing with my face buried in her short hairs. I darted my tongue in and out between her legs and immediately Beth opened up her legs a little more to allow me better access. After only a few moments of tongue action, Beth stopped me and prodded me to stand up. I did just as she wished. As soon as I was completely on my feet, Beth began to undress me. First came my shirt, but before she removed my pants, she slipped her hand inside my zipper to give me a superb hand job which had me rock hard in seconds, not that I wasn't already hard. Beth then grabbed my ass just as I had done to her and pushed my pants down to my ankles. Beth got on her knees to pull my pants off over my feet. The whole time she was maneuvering my pants off, she was rubbing her cheek against my hard-on. Her smooth skin on my cock made me want to come instantly. After my pants were off, Beth stood up and kissed me as we held each other tightly. I could feel her nipples in my chest and my cock in her short hairs. It just got me that much harder. Beth, very playfully, began to wrestle me to the ground. I put up a little fight but not much. We both dropped to the ground together with Beth on top of me. Beth kissed me and then moved her kisses down my body very slowly. She kept going down until she reached the head of my dick where she stopped and planted a kiss right on the tip. She stuck her tongue out and flicked the top of the head. My cock was so hard and so sensitive that I felt the soft touch of her tongue all through my body and it gave me chills. Beth started playing with my dick using her hands. She started playing with me like I was a stick shift on a car. We both got a real good laugh out of it. Beth began to slowly lick the length of my hard-on. Her tongue was so soft that I could hardly contain myself. I stopped Beth from what she was doing because I didn't want to come yet and I knew I was getting close. I quickly flipped Beth around so that she was on her back and my face was between her legs. I started to lick on her real sensitive spots and it drove her crazy just as she had driven me crazy. I lapped away for only a few minutes when she said, "put it in." I knew exactly what she wanted so I stopped my tongue action and moved up so I was positioned to slip inside her. I put the head of my cock at the opening of her pussy and she moved to meet it. I slipped the head in and then quickly pulled out. This really drove her crazy. She wanted the whole length of me in her but I pulled out a few times more. This was getting her so worked up that she lashed her arms and legs around me and pulled me down so that my entire length had no place to go but deep inside her. She moved my body with her arms and legs until I picked up the rhythm that she wanted. From that point on there was no stopping. We moaning got louder and I felt closer to coming with every stroke. The bright sun and the soft gentle breeze got us both even more excited. "I'm coming," I could hear Beth whisper under her breath. I also was about to come. I could feel Beth tense as she was coming and the moment I knew she was coming I was excited just a bit more so that I came also at the same time filling her with everything that I had inside me. After a few coast down strokes, Beth released me from her grasp and just let her arms and legs flop to the ground. Our breathing was still heavy as I pulled out of her feeling the cool breeze against me giving me more chills as I was still very sensitive. Beth opened her eyes, looked at me and said, "we never came at the same time before, that was wonderful." I suddenly had a burst of energy and I stood up. I looked at Beth's body lying on the ground and she looked very beautiful. I reached down and took her hand and pulled her to her feet. She suddenly got dizzy so I pulled her close to me to help hold her up. She recovered her senses very quickly and we began putting our clothes back on. It took us a few minutes to do that because we were both very tired and drained from our ordeal. Once we were both completely dressed, we started walking to the car. I said to Beth that it would be nice if we could walk through the woods completely naked but unfortunately there probably be other people at the parking lot. Beth said that one day we should take a drive to the north where there is a large state park where we could find a place secluded enough to do just that but for now we will just have to settle for something close. Right after Beth had said that and before it hit me what she had said, she had stopped walking, reached down, unsnapped her pants and pulled down the zipper exposing most of her lovely nest. "How's that for being an exhibitionist" she said. I replied, "that's fine for here in the woods but what if we get to the parking lot and there are some other people there?" "I don't think they'll even notice." "I'll bet you that they would." Beth, very cocky now, asked, "what do you want to bet?" "If someone notices that your fly is open, when we get to the car, you will take your pants off and leave then off until we get back to your house." "And if no one notices, you'll take off your pants until we get back to my house. Is it a deal?" "Okay, it's a deal." I took Beth by the hand and walk the rest of the way out of the woods and on to the trail that led down a hill to the car. We could see the parking lot from the top of the hill and we could see that there were no other cars in the lot but mine. It was still a few minute walk to the car so maybe another car would pull in. As I was hoping another one did. As soon as the car stopped, a guy and girl got out. They walked around to the front of the car and gave each other a big hug and kiss and I could see the guy grabbing the girl's tits. I figured that they were up there to do the same thing as we had just done. Beth and I continued to walk down the hill and the other couple started walking up. They had a little trouble walking a straight line so I figured they were a little drunk. We got closer and closer but they gave no indication of noticing that Beth's pants were open. Luckily for Beth, her pants fit snugly so that they didn't slide down as she was walking. The other couple walked by us with nothing more than a nod to recognize our presence but as they got farther up the hill I could hear them giggling. Unfortunately, that was not enough proof for me to win the bet. I was a little disappointed. We got to the car and I opened the door for Beth. We gave the couple on the hill one last look to see that they had each others hands down the back of the other's pants. We got a little laugh out of that. Just as we turned around, we heard the guy on the hill yell, "your girlfriend has a nice pussy!" The other girl hit her boyfriend on the head and then they kept on walking. I looked at Beth with a shit eating grin. She knew she had lost the bet. She took off her pants right there then sat down in the car and closed the door. I walked around to the other side and got in. I looked at Beth and said, "that guy is right, you do have a nice pussy." I started up the car and began to drive away. Beth slid over on the seat to sit next to me just as she always does. But instead of me putting my arm around her like I usually do, I slipped my hand between her legs and stuck my fingers into her wet hole. She was still soaking wet from our 'afternoon delight'. She had no objections to my actions. On the contrary, she opened up her legs wide so that I could move my fingers in and out more easily. Beth put her head back and just enjoyed the ride. I pulled my fingers out and began massaging her clit. This got a very favorable response. I kept moving my hand with steady constant motion. I stopped the car a block from Beth's house so that she could put her pants back on. She was still in the same position as she was when we first started only it was evident that she had come several times by the look on her face and by the fact that both my hand and my seat were completely soaked. Beth came back down to earth and struggled to get her pants on in the car. When she finally had them on, I started driving and in a few seconds I was in front of her house. We got out and I walked Beth to the door. I decided that it was time for me to go so I gave her a real good kiss good bye and got into the car and drove away. That ended a very, very exciting day in my love life. My sexual education increased on almost a daily basis. With Beth I was so comfortable that I had almost forgotten how it was to be nervous or scared about what a girl thought or what she would say. My education was of course nowhere near over yet. It had many many more years to go. My next major learning experience came later that week at Charlene's party. I picked up Beth and in a short period of time we were at Charlene's apartment building. We didn't have to go upstairs because the pool was on the first level. We stepped into a large party room and like Beth said there was the large sandwich with a whole table to itself. It was about six feet long. Right after the sandwich, I couldn't help but notice all the beautiful bodies running around in real skimpy bikinis. Some of these girls were real knockouts. The only other girl there that I recognized was Charlene. There were plenty of guys there too. Boyfriends I assumed. Charlene came over to say hello as soon as she noticed us. She was wearing the skimpiest bikini of all and did she look nice. Her tits weren't big but neither was she. Her whole body was beautifully proportioned. We exchanged our greetings and then she showed us the dressing rooms where we could change. The dressing rooms were real nice. They had the sauna just like Beth had told me. We changed very quickly and then jumped in the pool. I got there before Beth so I just looked around at all the nice bodies lying on the lounge chairs. Beth joined me only a few minutes later. I felt a little out of place because Beth and Charlene were the only people there that I knew. Some of the other people I had seen around school but I did not know who they were. Beth swam over by me and I put my arm around her and gave her a kiss. We just sat there for a little while until Charlene swam over and told us that the reason she was having the party was for graduation. Graduation was of course only a week away. It had occurred to me that Charlene was not graduating. She was a year behind Beth and I. I told that to Charlene and she told me that she need an excuse for a party and that was it. She told her father that some of her friends were graduating and she wanted to throw a party. As it turned out, Beth and I were the only ones there that were graduating. After a while of swimming and eating and swimming some more, Beth and I finally called it quits and sat down on a lounge chair at the side of the pool. Over the course of the evening I had become friendly with several of the people there so Beth and I had a lot of bullshit conversation to keep us busy. The evening dragged on and at about one o'clock in the morning I asked Beth if she wanted to go. Beth was a little drunk by this time and she really didn't want to go. There weren't many people left at the party but Beth was still having a good time. We had been there so long that I was starting to get bored. Then a wonderful thought hit me. I would get Beth into the sauna and we could fool around in there. With Beth in the state she was in it wasn't hard. We walked into the sauna which was empty by this hour an sat down on one of the benches. Beth sat next to me and I immediately started making out with her. Beth had absolutely no complaints. I slipped my hand inside her bikini top and began playing with her nipples. They became erect immediately. So as not to feel left out, Beth put her hand inside my bathing suit and started stroking my cock. We were getting into each other real fast. I laid Beth down on the bench and started to remove her bottom. She stopped me right away and said, "what if someone comes in?" "They can come in and watch." Beth didn't get a chance to say anything else because I immediately buried my face between her legs and began munching away. Beth was breathing too heavy to say anything. I loved to look up at Beth's face when I was eating her out. She had a look of total ecstasy on her face. She just closes her eyes and tosses her head back and opened her mouth wide to moan and to allow enough air to pass to stay alive. Looking up the length of her body I could see her nipples hard and erect just waiting for me to play with them. As I looked up Beth's body this time I noticed something different. I noticed Charlene's face looking in the window in the door. She was licking her lips and her eyes were staring at us. She noticed me looking at her and gave me a wink. I stopped eating Beth and started to move my tongue up the length of her body. I paused for a few moments at her nipples to gently suck on them and then continued my way up until I reached her lips. We exchanged a large kiss and then I drifted my lips around and started sucking on her ear. At the same time I whispered to her that Charlene was watching us through the window. Beth didn't give me any response at first. I think that she didn't know what to do. All of a sudden Beth started laughing, sat up and signaled for Charlene to come in. Charlene was startled but she did come in and sat down on the bench on the other side of the room. The room was actually very small so she wasn't far away from us. Beth, still laughing said, "why don't you tell us one of your dirty stories." "Everyone at the party left a few minutes ago. You two are the only ones left. I think I can tell you a story that did actually happen to me." I didn't believe her but I figured that it was good that she said that because it made me that much more horny. I love hearing true stories about peoples sex lives. "Beth knows this story is true because she was there too." Now I was starting to believe because I looked at Beth and she was starting to blush. "Beth didn't tell you about the last party I had here a few months ago." "No she didn't" I replied, "this should be a good one". "Oh it is. You're going to love it. I was having a party, the same as this one tonight and late in the evening as the crowd started to dwindle down we had only couples left, three of them. Beth was here with some guy, I don't even remember who he was. We were all dressed because no one had been swimming for a while, we were all a little drunk and none of us wanted to leave. One of the guys suggested that we play strip poker. This got mixed feelings amongst the six of us but I was really into it so I ran upstairs to get a deck of cards. When I got back down, everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor waiting for me. I sat down in my spot and started shuffling the cards. We all agreed to start with the same number of clothes. The guys had a shirt, pants, undershirt and shorts. The girls, a shirt, pants, bra and panties. One of the guys asked what happens when you lose all your clothes. As drunk as I was I told him that I would do anything the person with the highest cards wanted me too. Within reason. I told him no blowjobs if his pants were still on and other things like that. I will not go all the way. I'm warning you now. At that very moment I got up and ran into the other room and came back with a bottle of Jack Daniels. I said, 'this should keep the party going.'" "I took a big gulp and passed it around. Everyone took a swallow and then I dealt the cards. Everybody started to fumble with their cards and then we all drew in turn. We were playing that the lowest hand would take off a piece of clothing. We all looked around to see who had the lowest hand it turned out to be Beth's date so he took his shirt of without any hesitation. After the next hand it was Lisa, the third girl who lost her shirt. After a few hands, everyone had lost some clothing but no one had exposed anything yet. Some of the guys were down to just their shorts and most of the girls were down to their panties and bras. I dealt the next hand and everybody very careful looked at what they had. We were all pretty drunk by now because the bottle had gone around several times and it was almost empty. At the end of the hand it turned out that I had to remove my bra. I was so drunk I didn't care who was looking at me. I reached around, unhooked the back and tossed it in the pile with the rest of my clothes. One of the other guys looked at me and said, 'nice tits'. Being the tease that I am I leaned forward and shook them and his eyes almost popped out of his head." I was getting into this story so much that I almost didn't notice that Beth had stuck her hand down my swimsuit and started stroking my cock. Charlene stopped the story and said, "why don't we get comfortable." Beth immediately grabbed the waist band of my bathing suit and pulled it right down to the floor. I reached for Beth and pulled her bottoms off and she took her top off by herself. I kick my bathing suit aside and then we helped Charlene take off her suit. Beth took off her top and I took off her bottom. Charlene said as we all sat down where we were, "let's get back to the story." Just as Charlene started, Beth once again started stroking my cock. I slipped my hand between her legs to play with her pussy. She opened her legs up so that it was easier for me. Charlene continued, "I dealt out the next hand and I noticed that the guys were having trouble keeping their eyes on their cards. They were all staring at my tits. It made me feel great. My nipples were really starting to get hard. I had a great hand this time and the loser was the guy that said I had nice tits. He was down to just his shorts so I looked at him and said, 'let's see your cock.'" He turned red but he did remove his shorts. His dick wasn't that big but boy was it hard. It was standing straight up. I didn't say anything, I just dealt out the next hand. Beth lost that one, she had to take off her bra. She was a bit more reluctant than I was but she took it off after a little prodding. The next few hands went by and everyone was now down to just their panties or shorts except for the guy that had already lost his. He was still rock hard. I dealt the next hand and everyone was looking around to see if they could tell who was going to lose it next. When we all finally showed our cards, it was none other than me. I starting getting really excited. I could feel the wetness between my legs. I couldn't believe that I was about to completely undress in front of these people but with all the alcohol inside me I was all to anxious to show off my body. I stood up and pushed my panties to the floor and just stood there for a minute so that everyone could get a good look. The guy without the shorts started to stroke himself. I told him to stop just to keep him in pain. I sat back down and shuffled the cards for the next hand. All the guys were looking at me and I was getting soaking wet. Even Lisa couldn't keep her eyes off me and that surprised me. The next hand came and went and so did Lisa's panties. She was very reluctant to take them off but after a bit of forceful persuasion we got them off her. The next hand put us in an unusual position. The guy with nothing on had lost so what should we do. Beth had the high hand so we asked Beth what she wanted him to do. Beth said, "jerk off. I want to see you jerk off." I didn't expect that of Beth but she was so drunk that she would say anything. That guy was so turned on by what was going on that in just a few strokes he shot his load right onto the floor. We all got a pretty good laugh out of it and then we told him that he was out of the game because he had gotten off. We decided that would be the end of the game, when everyone had gotten off one way or another. I lost the next hand and Beth's boyfriend told me to play with myself. I was so hot that I didn't argue with him in the least. I just lay back on the floor and spread my legs open toward the group of players. The room became absolutely silent as I slide my hands between my legs and started to massage my already soaked pussy." I noticed as Charlene was telling this story that her hands had slipped between her legs and she was doing exactly as the story said. Beth was still stroking my cock and I had my hand between her legs. We were all just sitting in the heat of the sauna generating so much of our own heat that we didn't even notice how hot it was in there. I looked at Charlene's pussy and it looked as wet as the hand I had between Beth's legs. We were all really getting into this story. Charlene continued. "I was so excited that I erupted in just a minute or two. To excite everyone else, I was moaning and groaning with every stroke so that everyone could hear just when I got off. The others almost died with excitement. "Now there were four people left. My boyfriend, Beth and her boyfriend, and Lisa. Lisa was the only one with nothing on. All the others still had shorts or panties on. Beth's boyfriend lost the next hand and off came his shorts. Next came my boyfriend's shorts then Beth's panties. Everyone in the room was now completely naked. The anticipation was high to see what would happen next. Lisa lost the next hand and my boyfriend had the high cards. He wanted a blowjob. Lisa wouldn't do it. We all wanted to see it so we pushed Lisa real hard to doing. I took my boyfriends cock in my hand and Lisa's boyfriend pushed her over. She didn't want us pushing her so she did it on her own. She put his dick in her mouth and began a slow rhythm up and down. My boyfriend just threw his head back in ecstasy. As we expected it didn't take long for him to come and he shot all over himself. Because he was the one that got off, he was out of the game and not Lisa. Lisa was a bright red when she was done but she regained her composer quickly. The next hand was lost by Beth and won by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend wanted to see Lisa eat out Beth. We all weren't going to push Lisa to do that but she didn't put up much of a fight. To this day I think Lisa is a lezzie but I never asked her. Beth didn't seem to mind having another girl eat her out. She spread her legs right away and Lisa buried her face between them. In the silence of the room we could hear Lisa's tongue lapping away at Beth's clit. Beth threw her head back and let Lisa do all the work. Beth's boyfriend began stroking himself and he came before Beth did. But Beth didn't take to long after that to come. She let out a low level yell at that very moment." "Lisa turned out to be the winner because she was the only one that hadn't come yet. We soon took care of that. We all ganged up on Lisa, held her down and let her boyfriend bury his cock inside her pussy. Lisa became very excited very quickly, we all did. I couldn't be left so I got between their legs and started to lick on his balls and her pussy. Yes I'll admit it. I like to eat pussy too. Lisa came in moments and her boyfriend shot his load right into my mouth which was waiting there hungrily. After that escapade we all just looked at each other, started laughing and began putting our clothes back on. We had a great time and I'm sure we will do it again." That ending was too much for me and I shot my load right into Beth's hand. I looked across at Charlene and she was also about to come. Her legs were spread wide open and I had a beautiful view of every smooth motion of her hands. Charlene called out to us rather loudly, "I'm coming, here I come." Just after those words I could see her body shake. There was no doubt in my mind that she had gotten off. I looked over at Beth who had placed her head back. She hadn't come yet. I was surprised. It usually doesn't take that long for her. I have to take care of this problem. I got down on my knees and put my tongue right on her clit and started flicking it back and forth. That got a real nice response from Beth. I felt Charlene's hand on my back. She was pushing me aside so that she could get in between Beth's legs. I let her right in so that I could watch Beth get eaten out by another girl. I had a beautiful view from just in front of Charlene. I could see every motion of her tongue and the movement of Beth's pussy. I got hard again and started to stroke myself. Beth wrapped her legs around Charlene's head to get Charlene to apply more pressure. In just a minute, Beth had a shuttering climax. I felt every muscle in her body contract with spasms. Charlene came up from her meal and gave me a real big kiss. I could taste Beth all over her mouth and I loved it. It tasted wonderful. Charlene took my cock in her hand and stroked it until I came again. Charlene and Beth looked at each other and started laughing, threw their arms around each other and held each other tightly while in a wet embrace. Their lips were pressed hard against the others and their bodies became one. Seeing their nipples rubbing against each other almost made me hard again. Beth and Charlene finally broke apart and reached for their bathing suits. We all got dressed quickly. After putting our bathing suits back on, we put our street clothes on top. All three of us were really tired but still very excited from what had happened that evening. Charlene walked us out to the car and we said our good byes. Charlene gave Beth a big kiss good bye and then came over and gave me the same. We got into the car and I drove away. I asked Beth, "did that poker game really happen?" "Yeah." "And you really do get into other girls?" "Yeah. One night last month, Charlene had the apartment all to herself so she called me up and we spent the entire night together in bed. We made love all night long. It was great." "Wow." I drove Beth home and then drove myself home. I had trouble believing that this night was really true. I kept thinking about Charlene between Beth's legs. It was such a turn on to watch the two of them together. I was hoping that the three of us could get together again real soon. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Beth started spending more time with Charlene than with me. I knew that I couldn't take up all of Beth's time but I was starting to feel left out. One day I went over to Beth's house to see if she wanted to go out for lunch and I found Beth and Charlene sprawled out on the living room floor, completely naked and in the sixty-nine position eating at each other's pussy. When I went over to join them, I was politely asked not to and that made me feel pretty shitty. I was standing there with a raging hard-on looking at these two beautiful bodies on the floor and I couldn't do a damn thing, so I left. "Time to find a new girlfriend", I told myself. I had become really attached to Beth but it appeared she liked pussy better than cock so I had better just leave it like that. It took me a long time to get over Beth but I think I handled it well. To quote someone famous, and I have no idea who, "All things come to those who wait." After high school I had a full time job as a security guard. It kept me busy while I figured out what wanted to do with my life. His job was pretty boring but worked relatively short hours and was home in plenty of time for dinner. One day me brother was feeling sick and asked me if I would deliver his newspapers for him. I once had that same paper route many years back so I knew it and I told him that it would be no problem. What he didn't tell me until later was that he wanted me to do his collecting for him too. That got me mad because now I had to knock on every door to get the paper money. I guess it wasn't too bad. I started about six o'clock, and there were about fifty houses on the route so it took a while to do. Knocking on doors in the early evening can sometimes be lots off fun. I went to one house and the lady that lived there answered the door in a bikini. I guess she had a pool in the back and she was going for a swim. I don't know. The sun was going down so I know she wasn't sunbathing. She was in her thirties bit she looked pretty nice. She gave me the money I wanted and then I was on my way. After the fortieth house I was getting pretty tired but I was almost done. I knocked on the door to the next house and who answers the door but none other than Julie, a girl that I graduated high school with. She was in a couple of my classes and I always thought the she was cute but that was back in the days when I could never even look a girl in the eyes. She was also a cheerleader which made it even worse. What caught my attention right away was the fact that she was wearing a white night gown that was slightly see through. "What are you doing delivering papers?" "My brother was sick so he asked if I would help him out." "That was very nice of you." "Actually if I didn't do it my mother would probably kill me. She says I'm suppose to be nice to him. I don't know why." "Just a minute, I'll go get the money for you." I stood there for about a minute then she returned and handed the right amount of money plus a tip. I said, "thank you very much" and started to turn away when she asked, "so what are you going with yourself now that you are out of school?" "I have a job as a security guard in a store. It is only temporary until I figure out what I want to do. Right now I have no idea." Julie was about to say something when I heard a crack on the ground in front of me. I looked down and saw a very shiny, little metal ball. I reached down and picked it up. It was really warm. I had no idea what it was. I looked up at Julie and she was bright red. "I wonder where this came from?" I asked. Julie looked at me, "you don't know?" "No, am I suppose too?" "Yes. It is called a Ben Wa ball. It goes in here." Julie lifted her night gown and pointed right at her pussy. My eyes were glued right to her patch of hair. "Why don't you put it back where it came from?" Julie spread her legs inviting me to slip my hand between them and stick the ball back inside her. I was never very good at taking hints but this was a little hard to miss. I reached out and ran my hand along the inside of her thigh all the way up until I touched her slit. Then I pushed the ball inside her along with my middle finger. I slid my finger in and out a few times and Julie was very agreeable with my actions. I pulled my finger out and started to work directly on her clit. At that point I realized that her bush was very soft. Not course or rough at all. She sighed and leaned over against the door frame. I moved forward and gave her a kiss and of course she reciprocated. I looked around to see if anyone was watching us only to find out that her door was hidden by a row of bushes. Not worrying about getting caught, I removed my hand and lifted her night gown up above her head and tossed it on the floor inside the open door. I stepped back to take a better look at her body. Julie realized what I was going and assumed a really sexy pose to show it off. I was really impressed with what I saw. She was average size and weight but what I didn't notice when she had her night gown on was that she had rather large tits for her size. Her bush was jet black; the hair on top of her head was dirty blonde and her eyes were brown. From the position she was standing in, all the features were very noticeable not to mention the fact that it made her look super sexy. "Now let's see what you got." "You want me to take off my clothes right here?" "Right where you're standing." I felt really dumb taking off all my clothes right in front of her house. The only thing between me and the street was a bunch of shrubs. I did as she asked but it took me a while. I must have turned pretty red. Once all my clothes were off, Julie took a real good look at me. I'm not the largest guy in the world but I have enough. Besides, I was pretty hard and that always makes a person look a lot bigger. "Not bad, why don't you come inside?" I picked up my clothes and entered the house. Julie closed the door and followed in behind me. I leaned over and tossed my clothes on a chair. Just as I stood back up again, Julie wrapped her arms around me from behind, held me real tight and started massaging my chest. I could feel her tits in my back and her soft pussy against my ass. Her hands very slowly inched her way down. I reached around behind me, grabbed her ass and started to squeeze it. She had a much softer ass than Beth. Julie's hand kept getting lower until she reached my cock which she carefully wrapped her hands around and began to stroke it ever so gently. Her hands were extremely soft and it felt like a piece of fur was wrapped around me. Actually, her entire body was very soft. I turned around, gave her a kiss and asked, "how did you get your body so soft?" "Lucky for me it comes naturally." I started to massage her tits. They were just as soft as the rest of her body but by no means flabby. Her nipples pointed right out at me. I bent down a little bit and started to suck on them but Julie didn't let me spend much time there. She took me by the hand and led me over to a couch that was in the middle of the room. Julie sat on the backrest with the couch facing in the opposite direction. She spread her legs open and took my cock in one hand and the other hand she put around my back. She placed the head of my cock right at the entrance to her wet hole and then pushed me from behind with her other hand. I slid into her with very little resistance. After I was in, she put both hands on my ass and set the rhythm she wanted me to move at. I could feel those little balls inside her. They really stimulated the head of my dick. Her pussy felt just as soft as the rest of her but then again if her pussy wasn't so soft I would probably be in trouble. She pushed and pulled at my ass as my dick went in and out. I could feel my climax building fast. I had a hard time telling what was happening to Julie because she didn't make a sound. All I could hear was her breathing which was a little heavier than it was before. I was getting closer to the edge and Julie's breathing was getting heavier. I couldn't hold off any longer and I shot my load inside her. After I regained my senses I realized that Julie hadn't come yet so I kept on going. I could feel her hands on my ass prodding me to continue. Now she wrapped her legs around the back of my legs. I assumed this was a good indication. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was heavy. Suddenly her breathing got very heavy as she threw her head back and held on to me more tightly. I felt a slight shudder in her body and after a few more strokes she let go of me and collapsed on the couch behind her. She was lying with her back on the seat with her legs up the backrest opened wide so I could see her sopping wet pussy. After a moment of relaxation, Julie began to laugh very gently. "That was fun," she muttered. "It sure was," I replied. "We will have to do that again some time." "We sure will, real soon." I helped her up to her feet and gave her a kiss. "I have to go finish delivering the papers." "I want you to come back here at eleven o'clock tonight and maybe we'll have some more fun." "Sure, no problem. I'll be here at eleven." I grabbed my clothes and started putting them back on. Julie just stood back and watched me. She liked to watch. She walked me to the door when I was done, open it up and gave me a kiss good bye. I watched her beautiful body disappear behind the door, grabbed the bag of papers which I had left outside and continued on my merry way. I finished delivering the papers in a daze. I didn't believe what had just happened until I felt my dick. It was really sensitive. I wondered what she had planned for that night. It didn't hit me until later that she had said to come by at 11:00. The rest of the night dragged until about fifteen minutes before eleven when I started to walk over to her house. I reached the house in about ten minutes and stepped up to the front door. I knocked on it twice and waited. There was no answer. I started to get a little nervous. Maybe she was just a big tease and wanted to get me all worked up for something that wouldn't happen. I raised my hand to knock again when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. It scared the shit out of me as I turned around to see who it was. I expected to see Julie but it wasn't her. Instead there was a real short girl with long hair. I couldn't see much detail because there were no light on in front of the house and the moon was hidden by the bushes. "Hi, Julie called me and told me that she was going to be a little late and that I should meet you here so that you wouldn't leave. My name is Debbie." "Hi. Where did Julie take off too?" "Julie didn't say. She just said to keep you busy till she got here. She said ten or fifteen minutes at the most before she returned." "That was very nice of you. Are you and Julie close friends?" "We have been best friends since we were little kids. Why don't we go over here and have a seat." I could see that she was pointing to a patio bench that was over toward the other side of the house. We moved across the side of the house and out from behind the bushes. The moon light started to shine on us and I could see Debbie as she walked in front of me. She was wearing black pants and a black sleeveless shirt making her very hard to see. We sat down on the bench side by side and then I got a better look at her. Very cute. That was my first impression. She had a very small face which was just, well, very cute. I started to scan a little more and noticed that the sleeveless shirt was actually a black vest. This vest had a V-neck that was cut almost down to her navel and pretty wide at the top. I could see the outline of her breasts as almost half of each one was visible and she had no shirt on underneath. I started getting hard just sitting there looking at her. Her mounds were beautifully shaped as they were pushed inward by the vest. I had to get the conversation going again before I started to drool so I asked her how far away she lived. "I only live a few houses over." "So how come I have never seen you before? I only live down the street." "I went to private school instead of the local high school. That's probably why." "So maybe you could tell me what Julie has in store this evening?" "I really don't know. She only called me a few minutes before you got here and told me to keep you from leaving." I was just sitting looking at Debbie and her very enticing body. Debbie noticed me looking at her and said, "when Julie called me I was in bed so I just threw on what clothes were lying around and came over here. Is it my clothes you are looking at or something else?" "I'm looking at what's in your clothes. They're beautiful." "Thank you, thank you very much." Debbie took my hand and held it and said, "you're as nice as Julie said you were. She said some pretty nice things about you. She told me all about what happened this afternoon. She didn't say much because we weren't on the phone that long but I got all the important parts." Debbie lifted up my hand and very quickly slid it inside one side of her vest. "Are my tits as nice as Julie's?" I was kind of speechless but I did blurt out a few words. "It is real hard to tell because your vest is tight." Debbie was quick to take my hint. She let go of my hand and undid the two buttons holding the bottom of the vest closed. I expected her to fall right out of it but she didn't. Her breasts were extremely firm. I started to squeeze on the one that I had. I stopped for a moment and removed my hand and took a very good look. They were beautiful. Perfectly round and firm. "When Julie told me what happened today it got me really excited. Do you think we could fuck? I'm really in the mood." She really caught me by surprise but I said, "you don't even have to ask". Debbie stood up, kicked off her flip flops and let down her pants. She pulled me to my feet and pulled my pants down, faster than I probably could have. After she had my pants off, she pushed me back down on the seat and climbed up on my lap. She grabbed my cock and held it up to meet her pussy as she sat down on it. She went straight to the bottom on the first stroke. Her tits were at face level so I leaned right into her and started to suck on her nipples. Her nipples were perfectly sized for her size tits which matched the size of her body. Perfect. It was hard to say perfect but she had a much better body than any of the other girls that I knew. Debbie was bouncing up and down on my lap. She was very tight and it wouldn't be long until I came. What made the situation even worse was the fact that she was talking to me while we were fucking. But mind you, not your usual conversation. "Oh God, it feels so good having you inside me. Julie got me so excited when she told me how you fucked right in the middle of her living room. From then on I just had to have you. I needed to feel you pounding in and out of me. I want you to make me come. I can feel my climax building. It won't be long now." I was really getting turned on by what she was saying but I couldn't be outdone so I started in. "I'm so glad you let me fuck you. Your pussy is so tight I can feel every bit of your insides. You're so wet and it feels so good that I could fuck you all night." "That could be arranged if you like." "I like." At that very moment I could see a set of headlights pulling into the driveway but I couldn't stop what I was doing and neither could Debbie. We kept right on humping away. Luckily it was Julie. "I told you to keep him occupied but you didn't have to fuck him." Without missing a stroke, Debbie said, "yes I did. When you told me what happened today you got me too horny to keep my hands off. If I didn't jump him I would have been playing with myself all night and that's not as much fun." Julie seemed to be very interested in what we were doing. She stepped around behind Debbie and very slowly removed the only piece of clothing that Debbie had left, her vest. Julie dropped it to the ground and I could now see the full shape of her chest. It was outstanding. Julie seemed to like it too. She reached around Debbie and cupped her tits in her hands and started massaging them, running Debbie's nipples between her fingers. "Oh Julie that feels so good. Reach down and massage my clit, I'm going to come soon." With that Julie lowered one of her hands to Debbie's pussy and began massaging as Debbie continued to go up and down on my shaft. Debbie tossed her head back and Julie cradled it in her shoulder. "I'm going to come. Oh God, I'm coming." It wasn't hard to tell the moment that she came because her rhythm got very slow and she seemed to concentrate more on each stroke getting as much pleasure out of each one as possible. As Debbie's climax started to subside she realized that I hadn't come yet. She very gently climbed off me and got on her knees. "Julie, give me a hand with this." Both Debbie and Julie started licking the entire length of my shaft from bottom to top. It wouldn't be long before I came at all. Moments before I came, Debbie wrapped her lips around the head of my dick and with one smooth stroke when all the way down. That was all she wrote. I erupted right into her mouth. She didn't flinch a bit. She kept going up and down but didn't lose a drop. Debbie lifted her head, "he tastes almost as good as he fucks." That was one hell of a profound statement since I didn't do anything but sit there and enjoy the ride. Debbie did all the work. Julie signaled to Debbie that we should go in the house. Debbie, who was still busy playing with my dick, agreed. She stood up, picked up her clothes and without putting anything on walked over to the front door. I didn't want to be left outside so I too picked up my clothes and hurried to catch up with them. Julie unlocked the door and we all went inside. Debbie turned on a few lights and then I could really take a good look at her. I was in love. She was more than just cute, she was beautiful and I'm not just talking about her body. She had a lovely face and beautiful features. Everything about her was beautiful and best of all, she was short. I am about five foot six and I like girls that are shorter than I am and Debbie was perfect. She about five feet and very thin. She was thin but not skinny. The perfect bikini body. She looked much better without the bikini though. I had just come but I felt my dick getting hard just looking at her. Debbie saw me looking at her and came up to me, put her arms around me and gave me a very deep kiss. After she released the lip lock, I whispered in her ear, "you're beautiful." She pulled away and said "thank you." I noticed her starting to blush. Debbie began to take off my shirt. She was doing it very slowly with a big smile on her face. I felt a little bit more comfortable now that it was off. Julie walked back into the room and Debbie turned and faced her and put her arm around me. Of course I put my arm over her shoulders. Julie said, "my don't you two look nice." My dick got a little bit harder knowing that Julie was looking at our bodies. "Why don't you two come over here and help me get my clothes off?" We didn't waste anytime. We both went to work removing Julie's clothing. Debbie removed her top while I removed her pants. Debbie had her top off first and as I looked up I could see the two of them kissing and massaging each others tits. I was hoping that this relationship didn't turn out to be like Beth and Charlene. But what was nice was the fact they Debbie and Julie were letting me participate so I had no complaints at all. After I had Julie's pants off, I stood up and gave Julie a kiss at the same time as Debbie. Having all our lips and tongues together at the same time felt really interesting. So much so that we spent a few minutes going it. The longer we did it the closer our bodies got until the three of us had our arms around each other holding us tightly together. Julie broke away from the group and finally told us what she wanted to do that evening. "I was going to do something tonight but since the two of you ended up here this evening you can help. Both of you are going to help me shave my pussy tonight." Debbie and I looked at each other and said, "sounds like fun." Julie guided us upstairs and we entered her bedroom. She had everything she needed set up there. Julie put an additional sheet on top of her bed and then jumped on it. She seemed to be in quite a rush. She took a set of electric clippers, turned it on, spread her legs as wide as she could and began to shear off her bush. She took off as much as she could with the electric clippers as Debbie and I used our hands to brush away the hairs. Debbie stuck her finger inside Julie's hole. "You're soaking wet." "I have been anxiously awaiting this all day." Julie then took a can of shaving cream and sprayed some in her hand. Then she began to smear it all over the stubble that was left and down between her legs. After that was done, she reached over to her night table which on it a razor and a bowl of water. She handed the razor to Debbie and said, "here you do it. You can see better." Debbie didn't hesitate. She stroked Julie's mound very slowly and very carefully following every curve with utmost care. I had a beautiful view, being right next to Debbie. It took Debbie about five minutes to complete the job. As she was getting close to the end, I grabbed a washcloth that was on the night table and waited. When Debbie was done I wiped Julie's pussy clean of all leftover shaving cream then Julie got up and stood in front of a full length mirror to admire what had been done. Julie smiled when she saw how clean it looked. She rubbed herself a few times and then turned to Debbie, "now it's your turn." Debbie was very hesitant. She didn't want to be shaved. "You shaved me now I am going to shave you." With that she pushed Debbie down on the bed and pushed her legs open. Julie massaged her pussy which made Debbie horny and she stopped resisting. Julie used the electric clippers and then the razor. The most unusual thing that I noticed was the fact that Debbie was holding my hand through the entire ordeal. She was holding on but not very tight. She was definitely not scared or nervous in any way, she just wanted to hold my hand. It wasn't very important at this moment but it became very important at a later time. When Julie was done I wiped off Debbie's pussy and she too stood in front of the mirror to admire herself. Debbie seemed to be pleased. Julie came over and started to rub Debbie's hairless mound. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?" "No it wasn't," Debbie replied as she started to massage herself. They both stood in front of the mirror for a few moments admiring each other and watching as they fingered the other. I just sat on the edge of the bed watching the whole thing and anxiously awaiting the opportunity to bury my face between their legs. Julie turned to Debbie and embraced her tightly then whispered something in her ear. I could not hear what they were saying but it did get Debbie to giggle. Debbie had a very nice laugh and I was starting to become very interested in becoming very close friends with her. I was in need of a new girlfriend and maybe she would be it. When Debbie was finished giggling, both girls turned and looked at me with a very sarcastic smile. I soon found out why. They both came running at the bed and jumped right on top of me. I thought we were in for a great love making session but they had other plans. Julie sat on top of my chest facing my direction which kept me from realizing what was going on because I had this beautiful, bare twat to look at until I heard the electric clippers. I felt Debbie grab my cock and start to go around it with the electric clippers. I began to put up a fight. Debbie yelled at me, "if you don't lie still I am going to cut your dick off!" That calmed me right down. "Just be careful", I replied. I had no choice but to just lay there. Julie kept turning around to see how Debbie was doing. I figured I should make the most of the situation so I grabbed Julie's ass and very quickly slid her forward until her pussy was right in my face. I buried my tongue inside her hole real fast before she had a chance to protest even though I don't think she would have. I started to lick away at the entire length of her slit. She loved it. She started moving her hips to give me better access to her more sensitive spots. Before I knew what was happening, Debbie had finished and pulled Julie off me to her disappointment. They stood me in front of the mirror to see their their handiwork. I must say that after it was all over I wasn't upset that they had done it at all. Seeing they beautiful bodies alongside mine really got me going. I reached down and placed my hands between each of their legs and applied pressure to their clits. They were all worked up from the events which just occurred and I was the finishing touch. They both got even more excited. "Let's get in bed" was the suggestion that Julie made. Neither Debbie nor I answered, we just slowly moved toward the bed. Julie pulled off the extra sheet that she had put down, pulled back the covers, and laid down with her legs spread wide open and her hand extended to me to join her. I crawled into the bed on top of her and signaled for Debbie to come right next to me. The action started right away. I could feel their hands all over my body, especially down by my balls. They liked the feeling of no hair and of course I paid particular attention between their legs which was now very sensitive. After about fifteen minutes of foreplay, I ducked underneath the covers and got into a sixty-nine position with Julie. As I licked her pussy, I felt Debbie join her at licking and sucking on my cock. We lost all track of time. I had no idea how long we had been eating each other. When my tongue became tired I very slowly turned myself around and popped out from underneath the covers to find Debbie's and Julie's tongues entwined. I stopped midway up their bodies and began sucking on their nipples. I would take one of each of their nipples in my mouth at the same time then rub them together. They seemed to like that. Suddenly Julie exclaimed, "it's too fucking hot in here!" and threw the covers off the bed and onto the floor. Debbie and I paid no mind. We kept right on going with what we were doing. Julie was really getting hot so I climbed on top of her, took hold of my cock and slowly slid it into her. She gasped with pleasure as I drove it in and out. Debbie propped her head up with her arm and watched as Julie and I made the bed shake. Debbie placed her other hand on my ass and rubbed as I stroked. She didn't play with my ass long though. Soon she lifted up her leg and began to massage herself. I could see that she was getting pretty turned on by watching us. Julie was getting ready to come but again it was hard to tell because she was so quiet. She dug her nails into my back and I felt her body shudder. Soon after I stopped my motion, Julie collapsed, out of breath. I looked at Debbie who was very close to getting herself off and said, "would you like me to help you or do you want to get off all by yourself.?" I loved Debbie's reply. "I want to come with you inside me and I want you to come inside me." Without another word I climbed of Julie, rolled Debbie over on her back and spread her legs. I couldn't help but to once again admire her body. "Put it in" she cried. I did just that and she replied, "oh god that feels good!" She wrapped her arms and legs around me and squeezed tight. Our bodies were so tightly wrapped that we moved in synchronous motion. Debbie definitely let you know when she was excited. She moaned and cried out and occasionally yelled out instructions like, "faster" or "harder" or "don't stop" or any of a thousand other things. By this time Julie had recovered and sat up against the headboard and was watching us with her legs spread open and her hand between them trying to get off again. The feeling I had with Debbie was like with no other girl before. She was so stimulating and excited that I just had to keep going. I couldn't let myself come. I wanted to keep going all night long but alas, she was so exciting that I couldn't contain myself any longer. I filled her with my cream and once again she came to a climax in my arms. Julie also came at the same time we did. Our magnetic excitement just seemed to be contagious and Julie couldn't hold on any longer. That was all I could remember of that torrid sex scene. The next thing I knew after I woke up was Debbie, cuddled up in my arms and Julie laying on the other side of me with her hand between my legs. I looked at the clock on the night table and it was four o'clock in the morning so I decided I should wake Debbie because maybe she had to get home. I gently tapped her on the shoulder and she opened her eyes. "It's four o'clock, do you need to get home?" "Yes I do but first..." Debbie looked at me with her beautiful eyes and gave me the most delicious and sensuous kiss I had ever experienced. She said to me in a very soft whisper, "I want to thank you for a great evening. I never came like that before. It was great and you were great and Julie was great and the whole thing was just wonderful. Thank you." "You're quite welcome but I better get you home now." I gently removed Julie's hand so as not to wake her and Debbie and I softly got off the bed and walked downstairs, hand in hand, to get our clothes. I really liked Debbie. Not just because she was fabulous in bed but by the way she talked and acted, she impressed me as a really sensitive person with loads of caring inside her. Who ever said the soft sensitive people couldn't love to fuck. We helped each other get dressed. She helped me with my clothes first and then I helped her. I helped her put on her vest and I felt sorry that I had to hide her beautiful tits but when her vest was on it really didn't hide too much anyway. It was still dark outside as we opened the door and stepped out leaving Julie upstairs asleep to recover from her exhausting night. I held Debbie's hand as we walked down the street to her house. I recognized the house but never realized that she lived there. We walked to the front door and Debbie said as she turned to face me, "thank you again for a great night. I had a wonderful time. It's a good thing Julie called me this evening or I may never have met you." "I'm really glad that you were there too. You were loads of fun and I hope we can do this again sometime." "I can guarantee that will happen again only next time I want you all to myself. I don't want to have to share you with Julie, for now anyway." "That's no problem at all. Maybe you would like to go out for dinner with me tomorrow night." "I'd love too. Could you pick me up around five?" "I'll be here." With that I put my arms around her and we started making out on her front step. She was a wonderful kisser amongst everything else. I could feel her tits pressing up against my chest and I couldn't help but slip my hands between us, unbutton her vest and take hold of her magnificent knockers. I was only in contact for a few moments when she pulled away and said, "let's save it for tonight." "Okay." One last kiss and I was on my way. As I got to the end of her driveway, she removed her vest to give me one last look and then stepped into the house. I was hard all the way home but once I got in bed I was asleep before I even realized how horny I was. I had a real hard time getting up in the morning. I was really exhausted but no matter how tired I was, I really looked forward to spending the evening with her. Even if I didn't get in her pants I would feel very satisfied just to spend time with her and get to know her better. That day passed very quickly because I was busy at work. We have a cashier where I work with enormous tits. Most of the day is spent looking at her. She swings them around a lot to show them off but because of the nature of my job I try never to mess around with people I work with. I got home from work a little late. Didn't have time to shower, just put on something nice and get over to Debbie's. I was hurrying because I thought I was going to be late and when I got to Debbie's, I found her still in her robe drying her hair. "Hi, I'm running late. Sorry. I just got out of the shower. I'll be dressed in a few minutes. Why don't you come into the other room and talk to me while I get ready." I followed her into her bedroom. I couldn't believe the place. It was wall to wall teddy bears and dolls and other assorted stuffed animals. "Where did you ever get all these animals?" "They have been given to me as gifts over the years. Because I am so small, my family thinks I look real cute with stuffed animals. I think they're kind of nice." Debbie pulled a dress out of the closet and asked what I thought of it. It was a one piece knee high dress that was a combination of yellow and white. It was a bright sunny day out so I thought that it was fine. She decided that it would do and laid it out on the bed next to where I sat myself down. Debbie then dropped her robe to the floor completely baring her body for me once again. My first sight of her was from behind and I once again noticed how small and smooth her ass was. Debbie faced a vanity mirror and put on a little bit of make-up, some perfume and them put some baby powder on her chest and between her legs. She turned and walked over to where I was sitting, picked up the dress and slipped it over her body. No bra, no panties, no nothing. "You don't put anything else on?" "I like to feel as comfortable as possible. There is no need for anything else. It is not windy so I don't have to worry about my dress blowing up so what does it matter?" "Good point. Are you ready to do?" "Yep. Let's go." We walked out to the car and I opened the door for her. After she was in, I closed the door and went around to my side, got in and started up. No sooner had I started the car than Debbie slid over and sat next to me. I wouldn't have been surprised in any other car but my car had bucket seats with a console in the middle. "Isn't that going to be uncomfortable?" "Is it okay if I sit next to you?" "It's okay with me but I don't think your bottom will agree with me." "If my bottom gets sore then you'll just have to kiss it and make it better." "That's no problem," I commented. I started up the car and drove away. I put my arm around her and she cuddled close. I didn't slip my hand inside her dress because I wanted this to be more of a social evening. I just wanted to be with her. As I was driving, she spent most of her time kissing my neck. It got me a little horny but nothing that I couldn't control. We arrived at the restaurant and went right in. We both wanted Chinese food so that is what we had. It was a good thing the restaurant wasn't crowded because I forgot to make reservations. It was one of the best restaurants in the area and I knew Debbie would like it. I was really starting to like her. For some reason I felt like I had to impress her. After the waiter seated us, Debbie asked me what to order. I had been there many times before and I knew almost every item on the menu. I told her to order whatever she wanted, that everything on the menu was good. I ordered Szechuan Beef and Debbie ordered Shrimp in Garlic Sauce, not that it really makes much difference. After we ordered, we sat looking into each others eyes. She had beautiful eyes. I became so hypnotized that I got flustered and couldn't think of anything to say. When Debbie spoke it broke the spell and brought me back to reality. "Thank you for taking me out for dinner." "Don't thank me until you've eaten the food. You may not like it." "After all you have said about this place, I don't see how I couldn't." "Everyone has different tastes. We'll see." "What did you think of Julie last night?" "That seems to be a strange question. Why don't you ask me what I thought about you?" "That's my next question. What did you think about Julie?" "What do you want me to tell you, that she is pretty, she has a very soft body with big tits, or that she's a good lay?" "Yes." "Yes what?" "Tell me what you though about all those things." "She is pretty, she has a very soft body with big tits, and she is a good lay." "That's what I thought." Debbie said that with a very disappointed look on her face. I inquired as to why. "I was just wondering if you liked Julie more than me." "So why are you frowning? You didn't ask me your next question yet." "Okay, what did you think of me last night?" "You are much more beautiful than Julie; I don't like big tits, and you are much more exciting to fuck than she is." Debbie suddenly opened up with an ear to ear smile and began to blush. She looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was listening to our conversation. I continued. "Not only are you a sexual dynamo, but from what I've seen from just our conversations, you are also a very sensitive, caring, and lovable person. I wouldn't mind spending a lot more time with you in the near future." Debbie turned an even brighter red than she was before. She reached across the table and gave me a kiss. "You can see as much of me as you like." "I've already see every inch of your body that there is to see." "You know what I mean." The waiter served our food and we started to eat. Debbie was very impressed at how good the food was. I'll admit that is was a little better than usual. We didn't talk much while we were eating. We were both too involved in what we were doing. A few small conversations broke out between mouth fulls but nothing of any importance. We finished dinner and just sat back very satisfied with the meal. I asked Debbie if she wanted dessert. "After a meal like that I have no room. Let's wait until later. There is a good movie on HBO and we could go to my house and watch it if you want too. I could make us some dessert there." "That sounds good to me." I signaled the waiter for the check. With the check he brought two fortune cookies. Debbie picked up one, opened it and read it. "Enjoy, the night is still young." I picked up the other one and read it. "Pleasant company makes for very pleasant evenings." I couldn't believe the cookie said that. It was the perfect saying at the perfect moment. Debbie made a comment about that one. "I guess we are going to have a very pleasant evening then, aren't we?" "I guess so. Are you ready to go?" "Yeah." I left the tip on the table and paid the check by the door and then we were on our way. As it was with Beth, the more and more time I spent with Debbie, the more comfortable I became. I was loosening up which made it much more comfortable for me to talk with her. She was no longer the stranger that sat on my dick in front of Julie's house. I was really glad that she was so sexually open. It makes for a very exciting relationship. But not only was she active with her body but she was also a very fun person to be with. It's hard to describe her. Just in the way she smiled and the way she laughed and the look in her eyes draws you to her. The words I'm looking for are 'magnetically appealing'. How do you like that phrase? I liked it. Anyway... We arrived back at Debbie's house and we went inside. She directed me toward a den and told me to sit down on the couch. She turned on the TV and told me that she was going to go make some popcorn for the movie. I sat and watch the rock video previews that they have between movies. We had gotten there about fifteen minutes before the movie was to start. Just before the movie was about to start, Debbie reappeared with a large bowl of popcorn, a pitcher of iced tea and some glasses. There was also a major change in what she was wearing. Now she had on a really cute terry cloth outfit consisting of a halter top and short shorts. It really looked nice on her. It accented the shape of her ass and her chest. She poured the tea and then sat down next to me. "Is the movie almost ready to start?" "Yeah, in another minute or two," I told her. I had no idea where we were going to put all that popcorn. We had just finished a large dinner not more than thirty minutes before. Debbie dug right in. After a minute of munching, the movie started, so Debbie sat back on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder. I reciprocated by putting my arm around her and squeezing her tightly to me. She moved her hips so that she could get as close to me as possible. We sat absolutely silent for the entire length of the movie. The only movement between the two of us was to reach for the popcorn or the tea or for me to move my arm around because it had fallen asleep. Immediately after the movie was over, Debbie jumped to her feet and put in a video tape. "Let's watch another movie," she told me. "Wasn't that one enough?" "Nope." Debbie came back to the couch and sat down next to me. "What are we watching now?" "Just wait and see." So I waited. To my surprise it turned out to be an X-rated movie. Debbie asked me if I wanted to watch it or should she turn it off. I told her that I wanted to watch it. So we did. At the first sex scene I slipped my hand inside Debbie's top. She immediately grabbed my hand and said, "not until the movie's over." I almost died right there. I had to sweat through the whole movie with a raging hard-on. I rubbed myself a couple of times and Debbie snickered each time. She was loving every minute of my frustration. After about an hour and a half the movie was finally over. I was in pain. Debbie stood up and took me by the hand and lead me to her room. She unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the floor. Next she went for the pants and got them off my with absolutely no fight at all. I reached out to her and removed her top and then her shorts. I pulled her close to me so I could feel her body against mine and we started making out standing stark naked in the middle of her room. As soon as our lips were apart, Debbie made a very good suggestion. "Let's go take a shower." I had never taken a shower with anyone else before but I was sure that with Debbie, it was going to be fun. Instead of taking my hand, she lead me by my cock to the bathroom. I followed very close behind her so she wouldn't pull it off. The bathroom was right across the hall and as we entered I was amazed at how large it was. It wasn't what you think of as a glamorous bathroom. It was just big. Everything was very spread out. As soon as we stepped inside, I could feel shag carpeting on my feet. The entire room had white shag on the floor. We walked over to a translucent glass door which Debbie opened and stepped inside. The shower was enormous. I looked inside to see a shower nozzle on each of the four walls and a bench on two of them. "Come on in" Debbie said to me. "Nice shower." "It's a lot more fun than it looks." "It looks like a lot of fun." Debbie turned a few knobs on one of the walls and water started to spray out of one of the shower heads. She adjusted them until the water was an agreeable temperature then turned another knob and water began spraying out of all four nozzles. Water sprayed every inch of the shower and every bit of us also. After only a moment we were both completely wet and we moved toward each other, taking the other in our arms and began making out under the heavy stream of water. As we held our bodies tightly together, I would reach my hands down and grab Debbie by the ass and squeeze, not only to feel her firm buns but for me to feel my cock against her bare pussy. It was still very smooth and it was a great sensation. Debbie reach over to redirect some of the water and retrieve a bar of soap. She began to soap up my entire body. I looked around and noticed another bar of soap so I grabbed it and soaped up Debbie. With my hands full of soap, Debbie's body felt perfectly smooth with not a single imperfection on it. We ran our hands over every part of each others body. Even after we were full of soap, the feeling of hands sliding on our bodies made us continue to keep our hands moving. I could feel Debbie smearing soap all over my cock. The soap made her hand slide so gently that it felt like I was fucking her. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft tightly and started to stroke the entire length very slowly. The entire time she was stroking me, I continued to run my hands all over her body especially her nipples. She really like that. When my breathing got very heavy, she increased the speed of each stroke. I was in heaven. Suddenly she stopped and said, "I grew up in this house and ever since I knew what it was I would masturbate in the shower. Every time, without exception so if you'll excuse me for a moment you can watch me get myself off for a change." I was so astounded by what she said that I couldn't say anything so I just sat down on one of the benches as Debbie sat on the one directly across from me facing in my direction. She spread her legs wide open and planted her feet on the floor taking the bar of soap that she had and soaped up both her hands. I had a beautiful view of her pussy as she sank her hands between her legs to soap herself up even more than I had already. She leaned back against the wall and massaged every square millimeter of her snatch with tender loving care. Her breathing got heavy very fast and I could see her body start to move around. I reached for my shaft and stroked myself while enjoying the show. Debbie began to moan and groan and in the confines of the shower, it sounded quite loud. My eyes were fixed to her pussy but her hands took up all the scenery so I refocused my eyes on her entire body paying particular attention to the expressions on her face. Her reactions were that of pure pleasure. Her entire body showed the pleasure that she was in. Her nipples were tall and hard, her hips were swaying with the motion of her hands. Her whole body was actually getting into the rhythm. Watching a beautiful girl play with herself in the shower was too much for me to contain so I shot my load straight up into the air. Once I got hold of myself again I realized that Debbie was still going at it so I decided to have some fun. "You really love me sitting here watching you, don't you?" It was hard for her to speak but she said, "yes, I do. It really turns me on. Next to Julie, you are the only other person to ever see me do this. Julie would come over about once a week and we would come in here and get all soaped up just like we did. Then we would sit next to each other and I would play with her and she would play with me until we both got off. It was wonderful." I moved over and sat on the bench next to her and flicked my tongue across just the tips of her nipples. Her nipples were so sensitive that it drove her wild. "Get down between my legs and hold them up." I quickly did as she asked. I watched her masturbate with her pussy only inches from my face. I held her legs up so she wouldn't slip off the seat. She was getting very close to orgasm. I couldn't believe that she was lasting this long. I was almost hard again. I pushed her legs up even higher so I could get closer to her and I grabbed her nipples and twirled them between my fingers. That was enough to send her over the edge. She yelled and screamed and her whole body tensed up. I couldn't believe it but she was having one continuous orgasm for quite a while. It was hard to tell how long but it was a hell of a lot longer than a guy's single shot. When she was finally done, her body went limp just like a wet noodle. I put her legs back on the floor and then a brilliant idea hit. I reached up to the wall behind me and directed the spray nozzle directly at her exposed pussy. When the stream of water hit her she screamed and immediately put her hands back between her legs, spread her pussy lips and let the water hit her clit. Her clit was so sensitive that she came again within seconds. I couldn't believe that such a small girl had so much energy. I soon found out that she didn't have as much energy as I thought when she did the wet noodle routine again. Her breathing was still very heavy. I turned her body so she could lie on the bench and catch her breath. I stood up and turned off the water. I looked down at her nude body lying there and got hard. She had such an exquisite body that it would get anyone hard just to look at it. Now that it was completely wet made her look just a little bit sexier. It didn't take long for Debbie to get it together. She stood up and immediately gave me the biggest hug of my life. I thought she was going to crack some of my ribs. "No one has ever made me come more than once. I never felt like that before." Just getting out that statement was a lot for her. She had to stop talking to catch her breath again. I took her hand and lead her out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and started wiping her down from head to toe. When I got down to her pussy she jumped when I tried to reach between her legs to dry her. "I'm still really sensitive down there. Keep wiping and come back to that area later." I could have been a nice guy and kept on going but I felt more like being mean and rotten. I quickly put my arms around her and tackled her down onto the shag carpeting; forced apart her legs, put my face between them and started to lick her. She put up a noble fight at the beginning but I had wrapped my arms around her legs so she wasn't going anywhere. After about a minute of fighting I got the best of her. I could tell that she was getting turned on again. Her nipples grew so fast that I could see them getting bigger. Her breathing got very heavy again and her body, just like before got tense. Now that she was on a larger surface, she arched her back, with her legs around the back of my neck. This allowed me to lift the entire lower half of her body into the air. I didn't lift her very high but just enough to give her a great head rush. Through all of our awkward positioning, my tongue never missed a stroke. She was so sensitive from our escapades in the shower that she reached a climax in only a few seconds. But this time it didn't subside. As long as I kept my tongue flicking across her clit, the orgasm would remain. Her breathing got so heavy that I thought she was going to pass out from lack of air. I finally stopped when she told me she couldn't breath anymore. I think she could breath, she just couldn't handle that much pleasure at one time. I let her lie there for a minute. When I realized that she would not be getting up under her own power for a while, I picked her up, carried her into her room and gently placed her on the bed. Instantly upon making contact with the bed, she rolled over on her side, placed her hand between her legs and squeezed her thighs. "What did you do that for?" I asked. "It prolongs the sensation a little bit." I sat on the bed right next to her admiring her body and waiting for her to come back to life. I couldn't believe what had happened. I know that I didn't do anything different. I know that I'm not that good. So why did she go off in such a frenzy? Maybe someday I'll find out. Debbie rolled over on to her back and extended her arms up for me to come to her. I leaned over and once again she took me in her arms and gave me a bear hug. I also held her tight for a few minutes then said, "you're pretty exhausted so I guess I'll get going now and let you get some sleep." Debbie sat right up and said, "you're not leaving this house with a hard-on." With every bit of energy she had left, she rolled me on my back and with a single gulp swallowed every inch I had. I must have grown another inch in her mouth. She proceeded to give a sensational blowjob. Her attention never left my dick. In and out of her mouth continuously with only a moments hesitation to lick the head. She continued for about five minutes which was all I needed. I came right into her mouth but she didn't fluster or lose a drop. She swallowed each and every bit of it. When Debbie was finally finished she looked at me and said, "now you can leave under one condition." "What's that?" "That I will get to see you again tomorrow." "You would need a shotgun to keep me away." With that I stood up and grabbed my clothes. I put them on right in front of Debbie and she seemed to get a kick out of watching me. After I was dressed I proceeded for the front door. Debbie followed me without picking up any of her clothing. She opened the front door for me and I turned to say good bye and Debbie just walked outside in front of me. Debbie's house was not hidden by bushes like Julie's was. "Aren't you afraid someone is going to see you?" "This is a dead neighborhood after midnight. No one ever comes out this late except Julie and I." "And what do you and Julie do?" "I'll tell you about some of our experiences another time." Debbie started walking to my car and I followed. I opened the door and got inside. Debbie leaned inside and we kissed each other good night. As she was leaned over I grabbed one of her tits that just happen to be hanging there. "Don't you ever stop?" she asked me. "Never." "That's good. Good night, I'll see you tomorrow." "Good night." One last kiss and I closed the door. I started up the car and turned on the headlights. Debbie, having a little bit more fun, gave me a real sexy pose in the bright light then went into the house. I drove the half block back to my house and crashed out for the remainder of the evening. What a day it had been. I guess I had myself a girlfriend again. It felt good to know that someone wanted to see me. I really liked Debbie a lot. I hope she liked me. The fact that she wanted to see me often made me think that she did but I will just have to find out if she really did or not. It's not important that she told me as long as she still wanted to see me but it was nice to know. I awoke the next morning in a really good mood. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I felt like I had really accomplished something the night before. I ate breakfast and went to work as usual. Work was boring as usual, except the time I spent watching the cashier with the big tits. I think she liked being stared at. She sure didn't try to hide it. I was starting to get tired of where I worked. It wasn't that bad but I had to do something with my life and I was just sitting at home wasting away. I was spending all my free time lately with Debbie so I wasn't thinking about my future. I tried to think of things that I could do. I could go to college, or trade school, or go into the military, or even stay where I was. What an awful thought that was. Suddenly, as I was thinking of all the different possibilities, Debbie popped back into my head. For the remainder of the day I couldn't get her out of my mind. Not that I really wanted to but I didn't like walking around all day with a hard-on. It just wasn't too comfortable. I was looking forward to getting home and calling Debbie to see what she wanted to do tonight. Finally the work day came to an end. I worked in a very large store and at the end of the day I had to walk around to check the locks on all the fire doors. The cashier that I have been telling you about cornered me in one of the back storerooms. I was in a rush to get home to call Debbie and I really didn't feel like messing with her. "I noticed that you have been watching me a lot. I also noticed that I get you real hard. Why don't we fuck so you won't have to strain your pants anymore." What she said to me really pissed me off. She thought the whole world gets hard looking at her tits and that everyone wanted to fuck her. She lifted up her shirt to show me her tits. No doubt they were impressive but like I said earlier, I don't get into big tits. They are nice to look at but the really don't turn me on any. This girl was nice looking, not outstanding, about average. Under other circumstances I probably would have fucked her but her cocky attitude really turned me off. "So you want to get laid? Well there are a bunch of guys up by the front of the store who just finished a hard day's work. Walk up there with no shirt on and I'm sure that each and every one of them will fuck your brains out. As for me, I have my own horny girlfriend at home and it's her pants that I want to get into, not yours." That pissed her off. She immediately pulled her shirt back down and left the store. I really shouldn't have said that but she asked for it. Now let's get back to work and finish my job so I could get home to Debbie. As I was driving home, all I could think about was Debbie. I kept picturing her beautiful body in the sexy pose she gave me when she stood nude in front of my headlights last night. I shouldn't spend so much time thinking about getting in her pants. Somehow I knew that I would get enough of that. I should spend more time with her trying to please her as a girlfriend and not just to make sure that she always gets off. But as I thought a little harder I realized that most of the time, she was the one coming on to me. She usually started so I must be doing what she wants. I wanted to keep her happy, so what if that made me happy too. I felt very relieved when I got home. I went into my room to change out of my uniform and into a comfortable pair of jeans. I grabbed something to drink and decided to call her. Debbie was the one to pick up the phone. There never seems to be anyone else at her house. "Hello?" "Hi, it's me." I assumed she would recognize the voice. I would have been upset if she didn't. "I've been waiting for you to call." "Why? You have something you want to talk about?" "No. Nothing special, but there is a question I have been meaning to ask you for a while." "You can ask me anything." "I really don't know how to ask this so I am just going to have to ask you straight. Does it bother you that I enjoy making love with Julie?" Her question definitely caught me off guard but I didn't drop the phone or anything. "Why should it bother me?" "I don't know but I had a boyfriend once who Julie and I tried to coax into bed and he got all bent out of shape the moment I touched her." "Have I said anything yet?" "No not yet, but I don't know, maybe you have a limit." "It doesn't bother me at all as long as I don't get ignored. I can't handle rejection. I really love to be with you and I would feel pretty bad if you wanted someone else more than me and it doesn't matter if it is a guy or a girl." "That's good. The reason that I asked is because Julie wanted to come over this evening and she wanted me to invite you too. I just wanted to check to make sure that it didn't bother you." "It didn't bother me the first time and it doesn't bother me now. I just want you to know that you are the person I want, not Julie. I want to make love to you. If Julie wants to join us that's fine with me as long as it doesn't happen all the time." "I'm really happy that you feel like that. We can love each other as much as we want but every now and then I have this urge to make love with Julie. Don't misunderstand what I am saying, I do love Julie. We grew up together and have always been best friends and will always be best friends. I know Julie and I can never have a life long relationship as lovers but we do enjoy it now." "Why can't you have a life long relationship?" "Because I dream of someday getting married and having children and that is a little hard for Julie and I to do." "You have a point there but you and Julie can always love each other even after both of you are married, you just need husbands that will cooperate." "Are you volunteering?" "Not yet." Debbie was silent after that statement. I had to stop and think about what I had just said also. Debbie finally picked up the conversation again. "Why don't you come over to my house at about seven." "What time is Julie coming over?" "Same time. Will I see you then?" "Of course you will see me then." "I hope so. I'm counting on it. See you later. Bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone and felt a thrill of excitement go through me. This was going to be a great evening. My knowledge about how to please a girl was growing on a daily basis now. Every time I made love to Debbie I learned something new. Every time I made love period, I learned something new. I couldn't wait to see what I would learn today. The next few hours went real slow as it does every time I want something to happen quickly. It was eventually time for me to walk over to Debbie's. Actually I ran over there. When I got there I had to wait to catch my breath before I rang the doorbell so it didn't really serve any purpose to run. Debbie answered the door wearing the same terry cloth outfit she had on last night. This time I could see her nipples trying to poke their way through her top. I stepped inside and we put our arms around each other and exchanged quite a long kiss. After breaking away I asked, "is Julie here yet?" "No not yet but she should be here soon. Why don't you come sit down over here?" Debbie directed me over to the couch and we sat down together. I put my arms around her and we started making out. I ran my fingers through her hair and it felt so silky. Debbie lifted up the back of my shirt and started to scratch my back. It felt very relaxing. My lips left Debbie's and I made my way down to her neck. I ran my lips all over it and around to her ears. Her ears were really sensitive and she pushed me away but I forced my way back in there. She pleaded with me to stop but I wouldn't. I ran my tongue all over her ears and that got her pretty excited. I stopped as soon as her breathing got heavy and returned to her lips. Just as I reached her lips, the doorbell rang and it was none other than Julie. Julie came in and gave Debbie a kiss than came over to me and gave me one also that included a little slip of the tongue. She looked down at my pants and noticed a bulge so she asked, "what have you two been doing?" Debbie replied, "nothing yet, we were just getting warmed up." Julie sat herself down in a chair facing the couch and Debbie and I sat down where we were on the couch. She sat down right next to me so I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. Debbie began staring at Julie and I couldn't figure out why until she asked, "what have you been smoking?" "What do you think I've been smoking?" "You're going to be loads of fun tonight." "You bet I am. Why don't you two start fooling around so I can watch and get even hornier than I already am?" Debbie looked over at me then back to Julie and said, "I think that can be arranged." Debbie took my hand which was over her shoulder and slid it down inside her top until I took hold of one of her tits. Julie's eyes became glued to us. Debbie reached over and undid the snap and zipper on my pants and pulled out my cock which was now stiff as a flag pole. She wrapped her hand around it and commenced stroking. I took my free hand and opened up Debbie's pants. I tried to stick my hand inside her pants but we were so tangled up that it was useless. I pulled my hands away from Debbie and we both stood up. I lifted her top off at the same time she lifted my shirt off. I pulled her close to me to give her a kiss and to feel her nipples dig into my chest. I inched my hands down to the waist band of her pants and pushed her pants down to about her knees. Then I got down on my knees and pushed her pants the rest of the way and removed them from her body. I lifted my head up and there I saw her still bare pussy. There was a little stubble now as it was starting to grow back but that didn't bother me at all. I put my face between her legs and darted my tongue in and out at the lips of her pussy. Debbie spread her legs a little bit to allow me better access. As I was giving her this tongue action I could look up to see her with her eyes closed, squeezing her tits, and playing with her nipples. After a few minutes I stopped what I was doing and I stood up. Debbie knew what to do immediately. She got down on her knees and removed my pants and then proceeded to lick the length of my shaft. I looked over to Julie and I could see her just a few feet away put her hand inside her pants and start masturbating. Debbie looked over her way and knowing that Julie was really getting turned on, slipped my dick into her mouth and sucked on it with all she had. I played with her hair and her ears as she was sucking and that seemed to stimulate her a little bit more. As soon as I felt like I was only a few minutes away from coming, I stopped Debbie and maneuvered her body until she was lying on her back on a coffee table that was right in front of Julie's chair. I spread Debbie's legs so Julie could have a beautiful view and then I placed the head of my dick right at her entrance. I ran it up and down her slit to stimulate both Debbie and Julie. Julie couldn't wait for me to put it in her. I teased both of them just a little bit but then I couldn't stand it myself any longer so I leaned forward and pushed my cock into Debbie's tight hole very slowly. Both Debbie and Julie were moaning. I could see Julie's hand moving inside her pants at a pretty good clip. I knew she was going to come soon. Debbie moaned louder as I pumped harder and faster. Soon Debbie came with a flurry of arms and legs. They were waving all over the place. I was only moments from coming so I kept right on going and the moment before I came, I pulled out of Debbie, jumped up on Julie's lap and came right in her face. That caught her completely be surprised and it was enough to send her over the edge as she came also. Debbie, as soon as she realized what I had done, jumped up and started to lick my come off Julie's face and then gave her one of the sloppiest kisses I've ever seen. When that hot scene was over we all just started laughing. I don't know why it was just kind of funny. Debbie and I figured it was about time to undress Julie. This time Debbie went for her pants and I pulled off her shirt. I lifted it up to find no bra, just her full tits. Her nipples were rock hard and I couldn't resist the temptation to just take a mouth full. I looked down at Debbie to see her tongue flicking back and forth between Julie's legs. I pushed Julie back down in the seat so that Debbie could have clear access to the flesh she wanted so bad. I massaged and sucked on Julie's tits while Debbie continued to eat her pussy. It was a magnificent sight. Debbie stopped what she was doing, smiled, looked up at Julie and said, "you taste so good I could eat you forever." Julie replied, "you can eat me anytime you want, as much as you want." These words coming from two beautiful girl was enough to get me hard again. I was so excited that I reached down and started to stroke myself to get a full hard-on. It bothered Julie that I was doing that myself so she reached down between my legs and took over. Her soft hands did a fine job at getting me hard. Debbie was very careful to ensure that Julie was getting the most from her tongue. She used her hands to massage Julie's soft folds of flesh and to caress her still bare mound. By this time Julie was getting worked up again. I was massaging her chest while Debbie continued to eat her out with unparalleled skill. I guess it takes a girl to know what another girl really likes. Julie's breathing got heavier and heavier until I could hear her moaning under her breath. She stopped stroking my cock and began to massage her pussy right around Debbie's tongue. I kept right on going with hands and mouth on Julie's chest. She was so close to the coming that her body started to tense. I think Debbie could tell that because immediately she buried her entire face into Julie's pussy and applied pressure to her clit. Julie came very shortly after that. You could see the spasms running through her body. Debbie didn't stop though, she kept right on licking at her. Her orgasm slowly subsided and she pulled Debbie up to her feet and close enough so they could put their lips together for a very loving and very wet kiss. After what seemed like an eternal kiss, Julie just collapsed letting her arms fall to her side. Debbie smiled as she stood up looking at Julie's body and the affect that she had on her. When she realized that Julie just wanted to rest, she turned to me, took me by the hand and said, "now the two of us can be alone again." Being with both Julie and Debbie was super exciting but there was something really special about having Debbie's undivided attention. When we made love we weren't just fucking, we were, as I said, making love. It was very special when we were together alone. Debbie stepped out from between Julie's legs and we both walked across the room to a large sliding glass door which lead to Debbie's back yard. The sun had set and the yard was surrounded by tall bushes so I didn't feel like we were going to be watched. We walked to a large hammock swinging in the breeze. Debbie laid down in it, hung her legs over the sides and said, "there is nothing like making love under the stars with a warm breeze blowing." I couldn't have agreed with her more. I guided myself into the hammock and laid down on top of her. We embraced each other for several minutes before I slid my cock into her. We had both come not long before so we both knew that this was going to be a long and beautiful experience. I pumped for what seemed to be thirty minutes or more. We were rolling around in the hammock each entwined with the other's arms and legs. We had to be careful not to roll out of the hammock but because our bodies were just one large mass but we always slid back to the center of the hammock. During this entire event, not a word was passed between us. This evening was beyond compare. I could feel my orgasm building but it was still a long way off. Debbie was also showing signs that she was losing control. I began to hump faster and faster and Debbie began to breath harder but still did not come. I knew that this was going to be one hell of a climax when it finally came. To add a little change of pace, I sat up pulling Debbie with me and landing her right in my lap. I was still inside her but now she was in control. In this position, her feet were able to touch the ground so she was capable of going up and down on me with ease and that she did. She jumped up and down taking my full length into her at every stroke and landing hard so that her clit could get the most stimulation. She leaned forward as she bounced and put her arms around me. Our lips met as we breathed in unison and in time with her strokes. I wanted to come but my body just wasn't ready. It was savoring this experience for all it was worth. Debbie seemed to be doing the same. We kept going up and down, in and out until I felt like I was going to drop from exhaustion. The night breeze was warm but it was nothing to prevent us from sweating. Soon our entire bodies were covered with sweat and we slid against each other very smoothly. The night seemed almost endless but I knew that I was going to come soon. I could feel it building and spreading to all the other parts of my body. A few strokes before I was a to come, Debbie dug her fingernails into my back, threw her head back and opened her mouth wide in a silent scream as she came to a shuttering climax. I came with enormous spasms and shot stream after stream of come deep inside her filling every chamber of her body with my hot fluids. Debbie kept going up and down but I could tell that she was now almost completely out of energy and I didn't have enough left to do anything else so I eased Debbie onto her back, slid myself out from inside her into what now felt like a very cold breeze and laid down next to her. As I regained some of my energy, I lifted my hand and placed it between her legs moving it up to her wet and steaming pussy. I slowly massaged her applying just a little pressure. She responded by placing her hand on my cock and balls and also slowly massaging me. Unfortunately that was all I could remember. We both must have fallen asleep. We were both so exhausted that we did not awaken until the next morning. I was the first to arise noticing that we were still in her backyard just as we were the night before but this time the sun was just above the horizon and her yard was no longer in the concealing dark that it had been. I looked around and noticed that the bushes hide the yard well even in the light so again I did not worry. Debbie's hand was still wrapped around my cock so I gently removed it and sat up. I looked down at Debbie and she had a beautiful smile on her face and her body looked even more wonderful in the daylight. I could see every last little detail, every tiny little crease in her nipples to the very short hairs between her legs. I stared at her for a few minutes taking all there was to see, getting to know her body well by sight now instead of just by feel. I tried to stand up gently so as not to wake her but my effort was in vain. She opened her eyes, looked at me and smiled showing me all her pearly white teeth. I leaned over to give her a kiss and as I did she put her arms around me and pulled me down to her. We laid there just kissing for a few minutes. It really felt good being outside in the breeze and sunlight with a beautiful, not to mention naked girl in my arms. After breaking our lips apart, we looked at each other like we wanted to do something but we didn't know what. Debbie suggested to go inside to see if Julie was still where we had left her the night before. I helped her to her feet and then we walked hand in hand inside the house. Julie seemed to have disappeared. She was not in the chair but what was in the chair was a picture of Debbie and I outside in the hammock. We were both lying on our backs with my hand on her crotch and hers on mine. Julie must have taken the picture after we had fallen asleep. Debbie was a little surprised that she had taken it but you have to admit, we sure did look good together. After a long, exhausting, and sweaty night we decided it would be a good idea to take a bath. The bathtub was enormous as was the shower but it didn't really matter because Debbie and I held each other tightly the entire time so we didn't take up much room. We spent a total of about two hours in the tub rubbing and massaging each other's body. Most of my massaging was concentrated between her legs and she spent a hell of a long time making sure my cock was absolutely spotless by stroking it until I came. Our lips rarely parted and a word rarely spoken. All of our actions were in our hands. After getting out of the tub and drying each other off, we spent the entire morning just lounging around the house never putting a stitch of clothing on. I really didn't feel like going home, I just wanted to stay with Debbie. I really felt good when I was around her. She made me feel like a very important person. She would hang all over me, hugging me, kissing me, and stroking my cock every now and then. By the time lunch time came around, we were both really hungry but not for food. We looked each other in the eyes and without saying a word decided that it was time to make love again. Debbie grabbed a blanket, took my cock in her hand and lead me outside into the backyard again. Because it was noon time the sun was high in the sky flooding the entire yard with radiating sunlight. Debbie spread out the blanket in what looked like the exact center of the yard and said, "let's make love out here. Don't worry; no one can see us; it's just that I love to be nude out in the sunlight. I come out here to masturbate a lot but I have never made love with anyone here before and I can't think of a better person to do it with." "I'll make love to you anytime and anyplace." Debbie responded to my reply with a real big smile then she laid down on the blanket and spread her legs giving me an invitation I couldn't refuse. I looked down at her sun soaked body and instantly became hard thinking about being inside her once again. I knelt on the blanket and put my face between her legs. I darted my tongue in and out striking her clit with no rhythm or timing. Each time my tongue stimulated her, she wasn't expecting it and each time it made her jump. After just a few times she couldn't stand it anymore so she pulled my head right into her so that I would be applying pressure all the time. I licked and I sucked and she squirmed and she squealed and we had a wonderful time. Before I got her off with my tongue, I pushed my dick inside her and soon we got off together. After completing what we had started out to do I rolled off her and laid next to her on my back holding her hand. We stayed there for the remainder of the afternoon sunbathing. I had never done that in the nude before and it really felt good. Luckily the sun wasn't that strong so I didn't burn. As the sun started going down, Debbie and I went into the house and began getting dressed. Debbie really liked to watch me dress because first she handed me my clothes and she sat down on a chair to watch. After I was dressed then I helped her get dressed. I hated to see her beautiful body disappear underneath her clothes but I knew that it was still there just waiting for me to peel the clothes off again. From that time on, Debbie and I saw quite a lot of each other. We made love as often as possible, especially out in her backyard in the sunlight. Julie joined us every now and then. It was a beautiful sight to see the three of us making love in Debbie's yard. We knew it was because Julie brought over a video tape deck and camera mounted on a tripod and we filmed it. Debbie saved the tape so that when Julie and/or I came over, she played the tape and then has one hell of a love making session. Nothing is more special than just Debbie and I together though. We have been seeing each other now for almost three years and are now engaged to be married. I found a real job that pays real money and Debbie is also working at a good job but when we get home in the evening, that is when the real fun begins. We rarely wear any clothes in the house for the simple reason that it is more comfortable and we love to look at each other's body. We don't make love as often as we used too but when we do it never seems to be any less that our first weeks together. All my fears and all the apprehensions that I had as I was growing up suddenly didn't mean anything anymore. I loved a beautiful girl and she loved me and I no longer had any worries about who would go out with me, would I get rejected or any of the other bullshit things that had plagued me before. It all goes to show that with a little patience and saying the right thing at the right time or even just being in the right place at the right time, everything will eventually turn out for the better. The End (or is it?)